chapter 2

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Megumi lay there in the bed, looking up at the ceiling. A single drop of tear dropped down from his eyes

He likes to think of himself as a strong person. From his childhood, he went through so many shitty things that if starts to mention it, it'll probably make a book of itself

But now, it was just getting too much

It's not the problem that he hates his father, his house, his life, but now he started to hate himself

He started to dump all his baggage on the only person who ever cared for him. His best friend, the love of his life, Yuji

It's like he is turning into a monster like his sperm donor and that's what's bothering him. Will he ever stop this, will there ever be an end to this?

Will his life go with self Loth?

He couldn't think anymore. It felt like his head was gonna burst and he hated it

But before he could use a sleeping pill to force himself to forget everything and sleep for a bit, he decided he didn't want to feel numb today

He looked at his phone for a solid second before grabbing it and dailing a number

It rang once twice, before getting picked up

"Hey there pretty boy, how can I help you today?"

A voice spoke in a voice that was enough for someone to cum in his pants

The voice that holds sensuality like he'd never experienced with any woman before

And even though Megumi wouldn't really admit it out loud but if he was straight, he'd go for this girl years ago

"Hey Sue... I need you.."

Is all he said and he heard her giggle

A giggle that could bring any man in this world down to their feet to become nothing more than her dog

"This is getting a little old, Megs. But of course. And you know what, I might need you today too"

A small but genuine smile came to his lips

"Oh? Hectic day at work?"

"Are you gonna talk about everything in the call or actually come? Hmm~~~"

That's all he needed

Megumi looked at his wall clock, it was 3 am in the morning

He grabbed his hoodie and hopped off the balcony,

yep you heard it right, from the balcony

He jumped from the second floor. Something he was used to doing often

In a cold winter night, he walked in his oversized hoodie to an abandoned building. To others, it might be horrifying to come in this place at such a dark night

There is no singn of life, just the quiet sounds of crickets

It was comforting to him

To be in a place where no one loves you, no one hates you, no one acknowledges your existence

Just what he needs

He sat on the second floor of the building, opening a pack of beers

He sat there in silence for a second before he heard a car pull up, after a minute or so, he started hearing her heels clicking on the rusty floor

"You're late"

Is the first thing what he said, but not Annoyed at the slitest. Because he was smiling

Megumi's Girlfriend ( JJK Men X OC)Where stories live. Discover now