Left in the dust

12 0 6

The cameras stopped rolling.

Seowoo wiped her sweaty hands on her jeans and dried her shiny eyes with a tissue.

She slowly got up from the uncomfortable stool she was sitting on and stretched.

Despite her disappointment, she ran towards her friends to congratulate them for debuting, but the staff gestured for her to leave.

"Shoo, you didn't debut so head to Mr. Park's office." the female staff member scoffed.

Are they fucking serious?

It's fine, the girls and I will catch up later.

Are you sure about that?

Not you again.

What if they think you're not worth their time?

No, don't be silly, we've been together for the whole journey. 

But they're stars now, and what are you? Just left in the dust.

Just because they're stars doesn't mean they won't talk to me anymore.

Who says?

Seowoo shook her head, trying to shake off the voice in the back of her head.

But still, the tiny voice was there, telling her.

But they're stars now, and what am I?  She repeated the mantra in her head.

Just left in the dust...

author note:

hi how are you

this is just a filler chapter btw

pick an itzy song



byee i love ya<3

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