Chapter 32: Obliviate

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Hi guys! I'm sorry ik I didn't post yesterday, I had a really busy day, however I've made this chapter double-length to make up for it. As for the picture up there just ctrl-delete Dumbledore out of there in your head lol, pls enjoy -Emmi


Professor McGonagall's office was high up in one of the spiralling towers that dominated Hogwarts castle, and it took Nico a while to find his way. After many false turns and shadow-jumps, in the end a ghost helped him out and finally he found himself standing in front of a great oak door. Two stone Gargoyles stood outside like sentries and Nico got the idea they wouldn't let him just open the door and stroll on in. Slytherin dorm had a password, so he assumed the headmistress' office would want one too.

Yes, knowing the password would have come in very handy.

As Nico stood outside the great doors wondering what to do, he discovered he did possess some level of luck after all. From down the hall came gliding the ghost of a man with his head nearly severed off, when he saw the ghost king he almost jumped out of his insubstantial skin. It appeared he was looking around for an excuse to run away, but Nico didn't give him the opportunity.

"Ghost!" he called.

"M-my Lord!" he stammered in shock.

Nico rolled his eyes, "Do you know the password to get into the headmistress' office?"

The ghost (Nicolas? Nico had never been good at ghost names, though Hades kept telling him it was an important skill to learn) looked utterly terrified, though Nico was sure he must know by now through the grapevine that the son of Hades was here. He started stammering completely incoherent blabber and Nico had the strong urge to smack him over the head.

"The password?" he asked again irritably.

"I- I- I don't- Professor-Dumble- always- sweets-"

"Oh forget it." Nico rolled his eyes angrily and ran into the wall, the gargoyle tried to grab him but he had already melted with the shadows. A few seconds later he stood outside McGonagall's office. Behind him wound a kind of stone escalator with an eagle in the middle. Very fancy. Very unnecessary.

He knocked on the door, and, hearing 'enter', opened it to reveal a circular room. In the middle of the room was a big wooden desk, and surrounding it were a whole crazy assortment of things. Strange implements on spindly-legged tables and a weird floating orb-like thing with many layers that seemed in perpetual motion, a tall mirror stood in the corner and dark silhouettes were framed in the fog, though they were far back and vague. Was this an original Foe Glass? Nico was impressed. His father had one of those back in his palace, when the whites of the silhouettes' eyes were visible then someone dangerous to you lurked in the fog; he was glad to note that none of the figures' eyes were even remotely visible.

Many other things cluttered the ornate office; including as a bird-stand big enough to be made for a swan, a golden telescope, and hundreds of portraits which hung all across the walls. They were moving photos of all the previous heads of Hogwarts, as Nico scanned them his eyes fell upon a wise old wizard sitting serenely in his canvas right behind the head's chair. His beard was long and white and his bright blue eyes twinkled over the half-moon spectacles that adorned a long pointy nose that appeared to be broken multiple times. He had that look about him of an old man who knew his way around the world.

Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore: Order of Merlin, First Class, Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards and Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot. Potter's mentor, known to be the only wizard Tom Riddle ever feared. Has his own chocolate frog card.

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