Plastic Fury

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The living room lit with an ambient and lively yellow tone as the sun peeked through the window. Tidy and clean, there wasn't a speck of dust to be found. It appeared the owners were away for the moment; however, there was something else yet living inside the house.

Two green toy soldiers laid down on the staircase as foliage from a tree in front of the staircase hid their position. "Same shit, different day. I've been waiting for a promotion for like forever. It's like no body retires around here, am I right." He said slapping the other soldier on the shoulder. "Maybe that's how much everyone loves their job, you know. I mean I have no plans to ever retire. One I go green, I'm in it for life!" One of the toy green soldiers said standing up holding a cup to the other soldier laying on the ground staring through his binoculars while ignoring him. Suddenly he spots two objects hovering in the distance. As he stares at it through his binoculars, he quickly identifies they are two enemy planes from the tan's army. "We got two bogies inbound heading to East. Be advised, heading East. 15 seconds until they reach the O'1 parallel." The man said very serious and calm while looking down toward a baby gate. The soldier standing up notices and then alerts command through his mobile telephone.

At mobile command 3, Sergeant Swatson listens to the alert. "Sir what are your orders?" One of the privates ask while approaching the Sergeant. Sergeant Swatson turns around and looks at the private. "They're finally making their move. Son of a bitch. Nelson, I need you to get Anaconda Squad with antiair mobile and in position over the wavering cliffs over the parallel. We need to alert all front line position and let them know who's coming. Also get the General on the line and tell him we got movement. We'll make them know what it means to be green." He said looking over at the map squinting his eyes.

Two trucks barreled down the upstairs hallway as the door from the room screaked opened. Soldiers on the dresser cheered as a convoy of four trucks drove recklessly down the hall. As soon as they arrived at the staircase, four guys poured out of each of the trucks and began to assemble their anti-air turret. It took all four men to lift and squeeze the plastic pieces together. Once the anti-air gun was put together, they aimed it at the sky. The men could hear screaming on the radio, "We got bogies behind lines, repeat bogies behind lines." The soldiers knew the enemy was heading their direction. "Look alive boys one of the guys said slapping another guy's helmet who was in the anti-air gun seat.

As soon as they heard the fighter planes, two guys from each team began to gaze at the air with their binoculars. "There!" one of the guys yelled while pointing their finger. All four gunners then cocked their guns back and loaded the first rounds into the guns chambers. As soon as the planes came within distance one of the commanding officers yelled. "Give em' hell boys!" All four guns began to go off. The first two guns were flack mortars and the other two were heavy machine guns. The hall way lit from a distance as machine gun fire blazed like a nonstop firecracker into the air. One of the jets separated from the other jet and while passing above the gun fire, they began to turn around as the other jet proceeded to go towards the room at the end of the hall. Machine gun fire focused on the jet that was heading their direction. As the jet slowed down it began to blaze its machine guns tearing into one of the turrets, two soldiers, and one of the trucks. "One vehicle down!" One of the guys yelled into the telephone.

Meanwhile, as a platoon of soldiers tried to pull the door close, one of the fist wire cables in their door opening system had somehow mysteriously snapped, therefore forcing a small unity of soldiers on the ground to manually force the door close.

"Godammit! How does our most secure system malfunction at a time like this? I thought it was indestructible!" Sergeant Swatson yells watching the door from a shelf in the room.

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