chapter 7: Future Plans

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Naruto was someone who always smiled in any situation that arose. When his umbilical cord broke, Naruto didn't waste any time, he made a whole fuss to call the nurses. The only one he couldn't find was... Sensei.

Naruto searched the entire hospital area but couldn't find him. It was strange for him to disappear so suddenly.

But anyway, he didn't want to think about that for a while. Surely some family emergency came up, if the doctor even had one. The only thing he had to think about now was his little family of 4. Or rather 6, if he counted Miyako and Ichigo.

Currently, the 6 of them were gathered in a hospital room.

"They're so cute," Naruto held the older twin in his arms. The boy had attended several classes for first-time parents, so he knew the basics about babies.

Naruto and Ai had a set of twins with blonde hair, like their father. Aquamarine (a boy) was born 5 seconds before his twin sister, Ruby (a girl).

"Are you sure you want to name him that, Ai?" Naruto looked at his girlfriend with some doubt.

"What's wrong with it? Aquamarine sounds lovely to me. It has the same sky blue as you," Ai said, staring at her son in her arms.

"Kids can be quite cruel. In the orphanage, many kids used to tease me because of my name. I wouldn't want him to go through the same thing," Naruto said, visibly worried.

Each parent held one of the twins in their arms.

"We have us to protect him. Besides, you told me you beat up those kids," Ai chuckled lightly at the memory. "I don't think anyone would dare to tease him with you as his father. In any case, we'll call him Aqua for short."

Naruto just nodded, agreeing with the decision.

"Are you still arguing about the name?" Miyako asked. "Because there's a more important issue. The twins' last name."

"I propose they have the father's last name," Ichigo said, looking at both twins sternly.

"Why is that?" Miyako asked.

"Isn't it obvious? So they don't have any connection with Ai," Ichigo replied.

Miyako lightly hit Ichigo on the shoulder.

"I don't mind the idea," Ai gently stroked Aqua's hair. "Aqua and Ruby Uzumaki, that sounds quite nice."

"Why do I feel like you just want to give him your last name to tie him down?" Miyako muttered under her breath.

"You're not fooling me. You just want them to have those last names so you can continue with your womanizing life," Ichigo muttered angrily, looking at Uzumaki.

"I have the perfect way to resolve this," Naruto said. "Who votes for the Uzumaki last name, raise your hand."

Ai and Ichigo raised their hands.

"Now for the Hoshino last name."

Naruto and Miyako raised their hands equally.

"Seriously, Miyako. Why don't you choose the last name of this damn blond?" Ichigo asked angrily.

"Ai did all the maternity work while this blond was who knows where, doing who knows what."

"That hurt," Naruto touched his chest at Miyako's words.

"I don't see the problem either. These two will eventually end up getting married, and Ai will have to change her name to Ai Uzumaki," Miyako looked at both teenagers with amusement.

Ai and Naruto were blushing at Miyako's idea.

"Never! Ai is still an idol! I don't want her to get married!" Ichigo yelled angrily.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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