Chapter 8: Silver Tongue

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Boredom is a curse.

The cause of a lack of outward stimulation that could drive people insane, especially those with little patience.

A calm beautiful sea reflected the bright bold sky, very few wispy clouds broke up the solid blue that spanned the entire horizon.

Boredom can also be peace in disguise, a gift that can allow one to reflect.

Smooth leather wrapped around my chest, held up by a strap on the left shoulder, with a small shoulder guard that rested atop my shirt's short sleeves.

Forearm guards decorated with engravings protected my arms as thread wraps did the same with my elbows. This left a small part of my bicep visible, with only a few spare strings covering it.

My shirt went down to above the halfway point of the thighs, which were adorned with a few straps, one of which held my journal.

Simple black cloth made up my pants.

My boots were farther down, an old relic with new additions, such as straps, a higher reach, and leather knee guards sewn in.

The last addition was my old black sash I tied around my waist. It had aged terribly, the black cloth had faded, darkened in some spots due to blood or burns.

But it was comfortably snug around my waist, keeping my shirt from billowing everywhere.

Slowly an island came into view, rocky crags seemingly grew out of the sea, a dark gray color that became darker as the salty water crashed against it.

A warm blast of air caused us to float higher, the dragon's easily soared without resistance.

Green sloped hills were covered with various huts, connected with bridges that allowed for non slanted pathways.

From above the vikings looked like ants as they went about their daily lives.

A man brought a basket of ripe apples to a lady and she looked overjoyed, quickly kissing him as she accepted the basket.

He then hopped around and gave her a giant hug in return.

I felt my heart melt slightly at the cuddly and fluffy form of affection. It's a cliché for sure, and definitely not everyones' cup of yak milk, but it's popular for a reason.

And it's definitely not my thing.

I took a second glance,

As he hugged her he lifted her off of her feet, spinning her around before they went into the hut.

My face was dusted with a rusty red that was hidden among the sun that tinted my skin wherever the daylight could touch it.

"HEY Y/N!?"

Instantly I stiffened and looked behind me, holding onto the back of Astrid so I didn't tip over the side.

"What Snotlout?" I asked, despite my previously hectic nights I had gotten a good night's rest.

"What are you looking at?" He asked.

All five dragons landed in the center of town, being met with several greetings from the townsfolk who went about their daily lives.

I got off of Stormfly as Astrid and I landed, stretching my back from the long flight.

"Uh, just looking at Berk to see if anything changed.." I said absentmindedly, looking around, my eyes coming to rest upon Gustav flying around the outer sea stacks.

Diving up and down and practicing his evasive maneuvers by flying in between the towering rocks.

"Huh, he's gotten better at that." I said under my breath.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 12 ⏰

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