Chapter 5: Midnight Merchandise

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The sun was already up when I crawled off of the floor. I wrapped my forearm braces back on and exited the hut.

Spotting Stormfly preening herself in the club house, I made my way down the steep stairs, past the arena and to the base of the stairs that led up to the club house.

"Huff, dam.." I muttered

So many stairs!

I put my hands on my hips and I leaned back, causing several satisfying cracking sounds. Taking my first few steps I froze as someone called my name.

"Y/n! What are you doing?"

Turning I saw Astrid flying on Stormfly, hovering.

"Hop on, I gathered some timber while you rested." She said, swooping down.

I quickly reached out and she grabbed my hand, pulling me aboard Stormfly's saddle. We soared above the stables, the twins hut, and finally over to the half constructed hut.

Stormfly landed with a thump and chirp, Astrid dismounted and walked over to a pile of cleaned timber logs.

"Okay so, we should be able to finish your hut if we work hard today!" Astrid said determinedly. After grabbing her ax that had been embedded in the ground, she began to chop the logs.

The sun rose and fell uneventfully, although the word was hard there was never a dull moment.

As the sun lit the dark ocean water into a melted golden color, the shadows stretched.

I stood on a ladder, hammering shingles onto the newly built roof.

"Wheph." I exhaled, wiping the sweat from my forehead.

"Hey Y/n!" Astrid called from the other side of the roof. "I'm going to head over to the club house for dinner."

She appeared from around the corner and took off on Stormfly in the direction of the club house.

I looked down, a dwindling pile of shingles was all that remained of what I needed to do.

I grabbed another shingle from several I had stuffed under my non-dominant arm and began to hammer it in place.

A small shiny glint caught my eye, turning I saw Snotlout's metal helmet, he was wearing it as he fed Hookfang by the stables.

Snotlout flung a decent sized cod straight at the nightmares head and Hookfang easily gulped it down without any issue.


I lightly chuckled to myself,

So... Gustav learned that from Snotlout did he? Well, I should have known.

Turning to continue my work, I reminisced about my previous adventures with Gustav. The kid was annoying as all heck, but he could be sincere when he wasn't trying to constantly show off. His annoying attitude really came out when the gang would visit him.

That of which was never voluntary..

A small sad gut feeling gnawed at a small part of my heart.

Ah- Ah- ahhh, no no nope, no bad feelings, no more worry wart Y/N, no more baby sitter.

Never again.

I need to get out of that head space, maybe once my hut is built I can put some effort into a few hobbies to distract myself and get a fuckin' personality.

I shook my head and continued to hammer, my eyes were on my work but they didn't register it.

Suddenly a burst of pain made me yelp.

The Integrity of Private Affairs  (Viggo Grimborn x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now