Chapter 6: Dancing with Danger

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His words knocked me out of my stupor, my face instantly flushed once again and my eyes widened slightly. 

“I- suppose- yes!” 

He chuckled, pulling back his hand and continued eating nonchalantly. 

I cleared my throat and picked up my fork again. 

My skin suddenly felt hot, and I scratched under my hair that rested on the nape of my neck. My hair was a bit messy but luckily it was kept out of my face by twin braids that started at the corners of my hairline, two braids that each rested on the sides of my head and continued down.  

The small itch brought me back to a memory, during the 3 years of peace when Dagur was in prison. 

The dragon races had just become a relevant thing and Berk was enjoying the new sport. 

With each race came new ideas, different face paint, different rules, more sheep, less sheep, but with every race came expected unexpected dangers.

Every viking teen with hair long enough to braid and fingers to do so did it. So when I pulled the shortest stick of sheep launching duty I thought it was going to be boring. However, when the riders came blazing around the corner, Meatlug accidentally took the corner too quickly and slammed into Hookfang. This sent the flaming Snotmare duo careening towards me, I quickly dove out of the way but not soon enough. 

My single simple braid caught fire and after running over to a drinking trough I dunked my head in. 

There was a lot of apologizing. 

Afterwards it was Ruffnut who offered to help with my hair, I skeptically said yes, but luckily it paid off. 

“Your expression is most pensive. Do share your musings with me, won’t you?” 

Viggo’s voice had a certain element of playfulness to it. 

“Mbhh?” I quickly sat up and swallowed my mouthful. “Ah, it seems my mind wandered, my apologies.” 

He seemed to be amused by my answer and I noticed he had finished his meal. 

Looking down I reached for my last bite. “Well, this dish was divine- I am thinking that.” I said, giving a small gesture with my final piece. 

Albeit, not so absentmindedly, I stole glances in Viggos’ direction. 

His skin-tight leather sleeveless shirt didn’t hide his body structure in the slightest. I could only imagine what was hidden under it.. 

His arms would reach up and pull it off of his firm chest and show a lean muscular torso, maybe even decorated with scars underneath, each curve and line skillfully etched into perfection.  

Or perhaps it would be untouched, proof of his capabilities to survive in this hostile world without so much as a burn. 

My mind drifted as I imagined how those skillful arms would wrap around me and pull me in tight. How his chest would feel pressed against my back, as his hands explored my body.

Each skillful touch would send my heart fluttering with anticipation, the desire to intertwine our bodies in passion growing in intensity like a roaring fire.  

His beard would brush against my shoulder as he kissed my neck and whispered dirty nothings in my ear with the same suavity that drove me to crave him like a thirst.

I’d turn around in his lap and start to rock lightly, my hips giving him a taste of the excitement he’d been causing me to have all evening. 

Hands on each other as we riled one another up with pleasure till the point- 

The Integrity of Private Affairs  (Viggo Grimborn x Fem!Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin