A Chance Of Luck (Chapter 1)

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???: "What a wonderful day to watch TV!" "Hi, my name is Ashley Saquisili!" "I am a 15 year old girl who is always lucky!" "Whenever I go to a clover patch... BAM! A four leaf clover in five seconds." "Sometimes I guess on multiple choice quizzes, and I always get an A+." "It is like magic!" "I always have wanted to go Milkweed Academy to share my talent, but now, that dream might finally come true!" "All because of the news I heard."

TV: "News report! A lottery is being held by Milkweed Academy and the winner will get an invitation to the academy! The winner will be considered the "Ultimate Luck" so get your tickets!"

Ashley: "Wow... I might have a chance for winning!" "I need to go." She grabs her money and heads downstairs. "I'm going outside see you soon mom!"

Ashley's Mom: "Alright! Be back before lunch!"

Ashley: "I know!" Ashley heads out the door going to a corner store close by. "Yes! I made it!" She cheered as she entered the store and bought a lottery ticket. The TV screen displays the winning numbers which are 2, 5, 11, 20, and 10. Ashley's numbers are... 2... 5... 11... Ashley starts to shiver. 20... Ashley's heart POUNDS eager to see the last number. Which is... 9. Ashley's legs collapse on the floor as she lost hope for getting into Milkweed Academy. Her heart sank. "Sigh... I guess my luck is out huh." She lets out a tear and heads out of the store, "Why must my luck go away as I finally need it..."

The sun gets covered by clouds, and it starts to rain. Ashley doesn't have an umbrella, so she runs home with a piece of cardboard she found on her head. Tears flow down her eyes as she runs across the street. "WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN NOW!" As her cardboard gets wet and damaged, she spots two cats. One white, one black. 

"Are you two okay?" They looked hungry and cold so she looked around for a market. "Hang on for a minute I will come right back here!" Thankfully there was one close by. She gives them a large piece of cardboard close by and bends it to a small shelter. "You two should be warm in this small home." She runs to the market and spends the rest of the money she had on fish. She runs back to the cats and hands them the fish. "It's not much, but it should last you a few days." Both of the cats stare at something behind her. The sun shines again. As she turned around to look at it her pupils expand of excitement! "A lottery ticket?" "I have another shot!" She scratches the ticket and sees, 2... 5... 11... 20... "No way..." As she starts to hide her excitement she scratches off the last number.

What was it you may ask? "OH MY GOD!" Ashley yelled. "IT IS A 10!" "YES!" "THANK YOU TWO CATS SO MUCH-" "huh?" She questioned. The cats are gone but she knew that luck has come back to her.

"That is odd, but I should turn the ticket in and run back home." She gives the winning ticket to the store and heads back home. "Hey mom! I have some good news."

Ashley's Mom: "Yes sweetie? Do you finally have a boyfriend?"

Ashley: "MOM! It's much better, I got into Milkweed Academy! My dream high school!"


Ashley: "Thanks mom, it starts in three days so I need to be prepared." "I heard it had a good principal!" "But, I will need to stay in a dorm so I won't be able to see you for a while!

Ashley's Mom: "It is okay sweetie, me and your father trust you to behave and follow all the rules. And while your there, try to get a boyfriend!"


Ashley's Mom: "Sorry sweetie, make sure you tell me everything about school during the breaks." "And stay safe, I know school can get crazy sometimes!"

Ashley: "Thanks mom, I will stay safe and visit from time to time."

Little did I know the words "stay safe" were going to matter a lot for this school.

Ashley: "For the next few days I will learn about the school" Ashley said. "But, I don't know how to start." She said. She pulled out her Laptop and typed everything she knew. "Ultimate means Very good at a talent." "Dorms are customized for everyone." "The school has every course and program." "The staff members are nice." "Huh, maybe I don't need to study. Everything is fine." 

I regret saying those very words.

(In Milkweed Academy before the students come)

???: "Principal Erica Steinburg... I think that you've been running this school for too long. I say, it's punishment time!"

(The principal is placed into a box shaped room with metal walls and a TV which says, "MILES RAN, 0/25" below it is a giant metal door which can't open unless all miles are ran. The floor is a sandpaper treadmill which moves away from the tv screen and onto a metal wall. This execution is called, "Tread Dread". The treadmill begins, the principal starts to run. Six miles in, she starts to get tired. Ten miles in she nearly faints. Then twenty two miles in, she faints to the ground. as she hits the wall her body slowly gets scraped from the sandpaper. Eventually her blood is all over the floor as the treadmill stops at twenty five miles. ??? walks in and stares at the blood while only half of the principal is still exposed.)

(Back to Ashley)

Ashley: "Today is the day! I finally get to go to Milkweed Academy." She heads towards the academy doors and stares at them. "I not sure why this place is covered in a glass dome..." "Whatever!" "I just can't believe that I am the Ultimate Luck!" she scans her I.D. on a special scanner and the gates open. As she steps on the grounds of the academy, she turns dizzy and faints to the floor.  

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