"Hello lust." His voice is filled with poison, it seems that the sky starts to darken just like his eyes. The woman, lust, must be one of the 7 sins. She stands in front of Blake with a flirty smile, she's dressed in a revealing red gown. It has a slip and fits her curves her perfectly. She brushes her fingers softly on Blake's jaw as he clenches it angrily.

"You're still as handsome as I remember." Her voice is warm and inviting. Blake snaps his head away from her fingers.

"Don't act like that, did you forget out past?" The woman chuckles. She looks behind Blake at Elowen. Elowen wonders what happend between Blake and lust in the past, although she could guess. She keeps her head high while glaring at Lust who just seems amused.

"So it's you, isn't it?" The woman chuckles. "I've never managed to be able to influance that sun rider with my sin but it seems that I will now. You've got a pretty face girl." Lust chuckles. Elowen knows that she mean Ramon with sun rider but why did she know her as well? What was she doing here? Lust winks at Blake who clenches his fists.

"Run El" Blake hisses, his voice laced with furry. Elowen runs to Athena reluctantly. She didn't want to leave but she knew that she wasn't strong enough yet. Darkness erupts from the sky and wraps around lust as Elowen gets on Athena. A pink reddish swirl flashes through the darkness towards Blake. 3 flashes appear behind lust, Elowen doesn't wait to see who arrived as she runs away in a galop. She sees a flash of darkness shoot into the sky, an elips symbol appearing. It must be a signal to the others, she hopes that they'll be fine as she flees. Athena runs to a spot with a huge tree, it's surrounded by a wall of rocks. Elowen's head snaps to the side as she hears an evil laugh.

"Hello little dreamer." A man with glowing red eyes and dark hair stood there. Red energie was swirling around his hands as he laughs. Elowen quickly gets off Athena, she had no way of escaping as he stood at the only entrance of the stone circle with the tree. The man stalked closer to her, sending his fist towards her head. She quickly dodges it, she hears the energy of his magic burning and crackling as it flies above her head. She kicks her leg up in his stomach. The man didn't expect her to fight back as he stumbles back.

"Ow that was a mistake." His eyes glow even brighter as rage simmers through him. His rage seems to make his powers even stronger. He sends balls of crackling energy flying towards her. She manages to dodge some but one hits her right in the chest. She's send flying backwards against the tree, her breath stolen from her lungs. The man laughs while stalking closer with a grin. Elowen watches him approach with a glare.

"You're gonna kill me now huh?" She fills her voice with venom. She feels anger coursing through her veins instead of fear. The man licks his lips with a grin.

"Your anger tastes good little dreamer." He laughs. Elowen jumps to the side as a ball of fire explodes next to the man. Her vision is a bit blurry as she looks around. She sees Ramon standing at the entrance, his face laced with furry. Fire is slittering up from his fists to his shoulders.

"Touch her and you die wrath." Ramon hisses. The man, apparently wrath, gets up while laughing.

"Ow how I love your anger! Finally!" The man runs to Ramon with a huge grin. Wrath punches Ramon in the face, which Ramon blocked with his arms. Ramon punches Wrath back in the nose. Wrath laughs as his nose starts to bleed. The 2 fight ruthlessly, anger is radiating from them. Every ball of crackling energy is pared by a ball of scorching fire. Elowen looks at the two with wide eyes, she has never seen Ramon this furious. She's frowning as she starts to notice something's wrong. Ramon keeps growing more and more furious but instead of being afraid Wrath is smirking like he's glad. Ramon fights more viciously without caring about technic anymore while Wrath seems to get stronger with the minut. Something snaps into place as Elowen remembers his name, wrath. He talked about the taste of anger and lust talked about influencing with lust. The sins must be capable of influencing people with their sin which gets them stronger, it snaps into place.

"Ramon calm down, you're making him stronger!" she yells as loud as she can. Ramon isn't hearing her, his mask has fallen off and she sees his scars glowing brightly and spreading. Wrath just winks at her as he sends Ramon flying against a wall. Ramon gets up and charges again with a war cry. Elowen look terrified, she feels helpless and she hates it. She feels the anger rising in her chest but smothers it with another emotion, fear. She's afraid for Ramon, a tear runs down her cheek. She wants to help but how? She sits there feeling helpless. The anger dissappears as quickly as it came, she can see wrath snarling. He must've felt how she smothered it. An idea slips into her mind, it's foolish and stupid but she has to try. Elowen gets up with a determined look on her face. She runs to Athena and takes an arrow from her saddlebag. Ramon and Wrath are still fighting, Ramon punches wrath in the face. He quickly kicks him afterwards. Wrath stumbles back from the impact and sends crackling energy flying into Ramon's chest. Ramon blocks it with his arms, his arms are smoking with black scorch marks on them. Elowen sneaks up on wrath with the arrow. He hears her and swirls around but it's too late, she has planted the arrow in his chest. Wrath screams, Elowen knows that it won't kill him but it'll give her time. She runs up to Ramon who's still simmering with anger as he stalks towards wrath. She needs to smother his anger with another emotion and she can only think of one that she can get him to feel quickly, lust. She takes his face between her hands and kisses him. His skin is burning hot but she lets it burn her. Ramon is first confused as anger still courses through him. He kisses her back after a second, Elowen feels his skin cooling off as wrath's influence dissappears. His lips are soft but firm and she likes kissing him for some reason. Elowen convinces herself that it's purely to help him. Wrath yells angrily behind her. She pulls back from the kiss panting.

"Are you back to normal?" She says a bit breathless. Ramon is staring at her with wide eyes.

"Yeah, yeah thanks" he sounds breathless as well. Elowen turns around to see Wrath pull the arrow from his chest furiously.

"This is not over." Wrath hisses before dissappearing in a flash. Elowen looks back at Ramon and sees him staring at her. 

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