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From the moment he saw that girl, he knew that she would be his demise. He remembers that as clear as day. She was on her horse behind him, going on about flowers that Hades took from her garden. Her skin had a light tan, her hair was brown like old wood, and her eyes were hazel brown with some golden flecks. Of course, he was just his rude and dry self when he met her that day. Since that day, his only purpose has been to protect her. She is making that very damn hard to do. She just runs to death and danger like it's her secret lover instead of running the other way. She should run from him too. He is death and cursed. Vesper proposed to train her some time ago. From what Ramon has heard from his brother, she's pretty damn stubborn. Ramon hasn't seen her since their last fight. He's sitting in his garden with a drink. It's starting to be a habit to just sit here and drink everything away. Hades glared at him when he saw him sitting like that. The stallion found it weak and left without a word. Seems like Ramon has pissed off every damn thing he cares about. There are just so many things going around in his head. He decides to leave Elowen alone for a while. At least she won't have too much death around her if he's not there. Vesper helps her to train so if something happens, she'll be fine. He hopes so, at least. He has many reasons to be drinking tonight. It has been another year without his mother. She also died just like every other damn person that crossed his path. His head feels light for once, as if every problem is drowned by the drink. His eyes are heavy, and his vision is a bit blurry by now.

"You're truly pathetic brother. You look like you live on the streets. A little fight and you're already letting yourself go? Pathetic." Blake stands before him with crossed arms. He looks down at Ramon with that disapproving look of his.

"Mind your own business." Ramon's voice is rough from the alcohol. Blake takes his glass from him and throws it against a tree. It shatters into a million pieces. Ramon glares up at his brother.

"Don't give me that look; I just did you a favor." Blake shrugs. He continues when he notices that Ramon isn't even looking at him anymore.

"The big scary Ramon who wanted to protect little Elowen is sitting here drunk; I wonder how that protecting will go if you can't even stand up."

"She made it pretty clear that protecting wasn't needed. She's also safer if she's not close to me. Death seems to love me."

"I hope she accepts protection at other times or that'll bring some trouble." Blake laughs.

"Are you seriously making sex jokes right now?" Ramon rolls his eyes at his brother.

"Well done, at least you aren't too drunk to use at least a bit of that brain of yours." Blake starts walking off again.

"So you just came by to bother me or did you have another reason?"

"I have my reasons, brother." Blake disappears as quickly as he came. Ramon looks back at his shattered glass lying in front of the tree.

"My poor glass," Ramon mutters. He gets up with a groan; the world is slightly spinning. He needs a cold shower and a good night of sleep. Even though he hates to admit it, Blake was right. It was pathetic to sit here getting drunk because of a little fight. He's just so tired of it all. Ramon turns around to walk into his house. As he grabs the doorknob, a voice sounds behind him. He looks at the source of it and snarls as he recognizes one of the sins.

"Well, well, well, seems like the sun rider is a bit drunk huh?" The man, dressed completely in black with red glowing eyes, smirks. Ramon balls his fist as he faces the sin. His magic is coursing through his veins, ready to turn his opponent to ash.

"Give me a good reason why you would be so stupid to visit me before I turn you into ash." Ramon snarls at the man. He recognizes him as wrath.

"I just came to check up on the solar riders; I was curious to see if they're still strong, but it seems that Alden his forces are weakened. Tell me Sol, how does your new weakness treat you? Is it because of her that you're wasted?" Wrath laughs with crossed arms, his red eyes looking at Ramon mockingly. Flames erupt on Ramon's fists as he stands in front of wrath.

"Watch your tongue, wrath. You send those shadows to Elowen, didn't you?" He snarls angrily.

"No, that was pride." Wrath smirks while looking at Ramon's fists. "Losing control huh?" he laughs. Ramon punches him in the nose with his flaming fist; he's surprised when it goes right through wrath.

"An illusion really? Are you that afraid?" Ramon glares angrily. Wrath just laughs.

"You're just not worthy of my time, sun rider; I only wanted to check up. You're not worthy of anything actually, not even love." Wrath grins before disappearing. Ramon sends his fist flying again where wrath stood minutes ago. He hated that guy but what he hated even more was that he was right. He didn't deserve love but that didn't mean that someone else deserved Elowen. Ramon is staring at the spot in the horizon where Elowen's house stood.

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