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ruby gothel was strange for a 16 year old girl

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ruby gothel was strange for a 16 year old girl. the poor teen couldn't remember anything at all from her childhood. granted, there probably wasn't anything exciting about living on the isle of the lost as a kid. but still, ruby gothel would do anything to remember even a slight detail of what happened in her childhood.

now, ruby sat in her bedroom, looking out of the window towards auradon, home of all of the heroes and princesses in every beloved fairytale.

ruby has always felt strangely connected to auradon in a way. and the girl would do whatever it takes to go there, even if it's just for a day.

it's never going to happen ruby! the girl thought to herself as she rolled her eyes and got up from the window in her room.

"ruby! come dear! come!" the voice of ruby's beloved mother said from the front door of their small place.

"coming mother!" ruby yelled out as she fixed her hair, so it didn't look like a tangled mess and ran quickly to go and see her mother.

"yes, mother?" ruby asked politely standing in the hallway, about 10 feet away from where her mother was standing.

"oh, ruby. come a little closer dear! i don't bite" the woman laughed as ruby bit a fake laugh out and stood next to her mother.

"now my dear, before you go off and about with your little 'friends' i must tell you that i will be going on a trip for a week to see some old friends, so you are going to be staying with the vk's at bargain castle while i'm gone" the woman said.

ruby inaudibly rolled her eyes as she basically lived with the other vk's at this point as her mother's been leaving so much.

"okay, mother. have fun" ruby said.

"oh my dear, don't think i'm not going to miss you! i'll try to bring back that meal you like down at ursula's!" gothel said in excitement.

"okay mother. i'll see you in a week" ruby said as her mother walked out of the door, not before grabbing her lucky flower and shutting the door behind her.

ruby scoffed as her mother left the building and walked back to her room to change into comfortable clothes to go and meet up with the vk's.

the girl put on makeup and her typical outfit before stepping out the door and walking to the vk's secret hideout, not before getting stopped by a body that stopped her in her tracks.

"hey! watch where you're going!" ruby yelled at the person who bumped into her, until she noticed who it was.

"that's not the way you should be talking to your boyfriend eh?" harry, the son of captain hook said as he put his face ridiculously close to the girl in front of him.

"how many times do i have to tell you harry! me and you? not together!" ruby yelled as she pointed towards the two of them.

"someday you will realize my love. we are meant to be" harry smirked.

that stupid smirk. ruby thought as she narrowed her eyes.

"never going to happen harry" ruby said as she bent down to pick up a rock and hit the sign to get into the vk hideout.

harry quickly put his hook around the girls wrist that was busy grabbing a rock from the ground causing her to gasp and face the boy whose face was dangerously close to hers.

"i could hurt you, you know?" the boy smirked as he glanced down to the girls lips.

ruby decided to play along and glance down at his lips. "hmm not without your precious little hook though".

that made the boy get out of his daze as he glanced down to his hand that once had a hook in it but no longer did as ruby held it in her hands with a proud smirk on her face.

"ugh come back ruby!" harry yelled at the girl who began running up the stairs to the vk hideout.

"you can thank jay for my newfound stealing skills!" ruby yelled as she ran up the stairs.

"ruby! give it back!" harry yelled, looking impatient.

"what's the magic word?" ruby teased as she stopped running and looked down at the pirate.

"please, ruby. give it back" harry begged.

the girl threw the precious little hook down to the poor pirate. "see, now was that so hard?" ruby teased.

"you're the worst, ruby" harry said.

"oh you love me" ruby said as she began walking into the hideout.

"that i do, my love!" harry yelled causing ruby to shake her head as she stepped into the hideout.

"hey guys!" ruby said to the four vk's as she sat down on the couch, however the four vk's just looked at her like she was crazy.

"what?" ruby looked at the group extremely confused.

"since when were you so close to harry hook?" jay asked with a look in his eyes that ruby had never seen before.

"we're not close, i just love keeping him on his toes" ruby said with fake excitement.

"whatever. just don't get close to him, because he'll grab you and force you to join his little pirate crew and then you'll have no time for us!" mal said.

ruby snorted. "don't worry m, i have no intent on ever joining him and his pirate crew" the girl said as she stood up and looked at the group. "now, want to go and cause some chaos throughout the isle?".

"i thought you'd never ask" mal smirked as she and evie stood up with ruby and began walking away.

"boys!" evie yelled at jay and carlos who just stayed sitting down on the couch.

"coming!" the pair yelled as they scrambled up to go and follow the three girls.

A/N: boom bam first chapter is done. now this is just like an introduction chapter but every chapter after this is going to follow the descendants plot line! just wanted to introduce everyone to ruby's character before the actual story begins 🤍

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