20. - Penny-Pincher

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"There will be better days
There will be better days
There will be better days"

- "Tomorrow" by Miner -


In this chapter, you'll get a glimpse of Samuel's childhood (before he's adopted). This chapter contains yet another sensitive theme and potentially distressing content. Viewer's discretion is advised. There will be so many uses of expletives, so bear with me :')

⚠️TW: child abuse, child exploitation and endangerment, trafficking, gang activity, violence, offensive language


The little Birman stands on the scorching pavement, the furs under his grimy tank top are matted with sweat under the unforgiving sun. Despite all the discomfort, he remains stationed by the garbage-cluttered pavement as cars idle at a red light. With only an out-of-tune ukulele in his grasp and a makeshift collection jar, made from a water bottle cut in half, precariously attached to its headstock with a mishmash of double-sided tape and glue, Samuel must eat tonight.

Unfazed by irritated drivers and motorbikers, Samuel presses on. Besides, he has a daily earnings target to meet, and like every other night, tonight's dinner depends on it. Today, he's been assigned street busking instead of his usual pickpocketing gig. While less fraught with the risk of pursuit and pretense, he still despises the prolonged exposure to Bogor's torrid sky. At least he likes singing.

Kalau saja waktu itu ku tak jumpa dirinya
(If only I didn't meet her back then)
Mungkin semua takkan seperti ini
(Maybe everything won't end up this way)
Dirimu dan dirinya kini ada di hatiku
(You and her are now in my heart)
Membawa aku dalam kehancuran
(Sending me toward devastation)

The car window descends, revealing a disheveled Jawarandu goat sporting sunglasses and clutching a cigarette between her hooves, her hair messily clipped. "Ck! Resek banget, sih! (Tsk! Freaking annoying!)" With a click of her tongue, she rummages through the cluttered beverage holder.

Despite the urge to ruin the car's paint job, Samuel maintains his cool, belting out lyrics as best as he can. A part of him hopes for a contribution from the lady, even a measly coin or bill. But instead, the enraged goat tosses an unlit cigarette onto the pavement. Samuel's frown deepens as he stoops to retrieve it, depositing the item into his container. While it will satisfy his capo, it will not satisfy his stomach tonight. It's not money, at the end of the day.

"Dah! Hush! Sana, sana! (Now, shoo! Go away!)" The goat lady gestures.

Samuel kicks the car's metal plate, glaring. "Dasar lonte Jakarta! Mobil gembel hasil toket rata aja bangga lu! (Damn Jakartan slut! Go be proud of your cheap-ass car bought with your flat, sad tits!)"

Brushing off the driver's wrath as he walks away, Samuel feigns deafness as the lady screams, "WOI, BANGSAT! NGEMIS AJA BELAGU LU! DASAR BOCAH LAKNAT! (You big-headed money-begging bastard! Fucking brat!)"

Deciding it is safer to relocate, Samuel wanders for about ten minutes until he reaches another bustling intersection. Just as he is about to start busking, a group of rival gang children teems the asphalt road. To his right, a menacing figure in the distance stands beneath a lamppost, eyeing him with hostility. He remembers his caporegime's words, warning him about rival gangs encroaching on their territory.

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