4. - Lemony Breath

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"You were wrong, I was right,
didn't matter in a fight."

- "Leader of the Landslide" by The Lumineers -


⚠️TW: realistic depiction of alcoholism; addiction; trauma


Fira's paw clutches the vodka bottle, bringing it to her lips, and the liquid swiftly vanishes down her throat. She then precariously abandons the half-drunk bottle on the edge of the coffee table. Meanwhile, Axel, already donned in his work attire, emerges from the kitchen, cradling a warm mug in his paw. His gaze lands upon the bottle resting provocatively on the table, his attempt to suppress his anger evident as he strides toward his expectant spouse. "Really? Now you're indulging in this shit in the morning too?"

Fira responds with a nonchalant chuckle. "You know I can't bear a single day without it." It's true that Fira made an attempt to abstain from alcohol after a heated argument with her husband a day ago. However, she's not having it anymore. Right now, she can't help but crave it every single second.

"For fucking one day only? Dammit, Fir." Axel shakes his head in disdain, and Fira flashes a wry smirk. A thought crosses his mind, contemplating whether sitting next to Fira might evoke a hint of remorse for her ongoing indulgence.

Deciding to give it a try, Axel settles himself beside his dishevelled wife. "I'll change the channel," he mutters, reaching for the cushion where the remote usually resides. To his dismay, it's nowhere to be found. Axel sets down his coffee, his gaze wistfully lingering on Fira's vodka, before asking, "Can you stand up? I can't find the damn remote."

Without uttering a word, Fira rises from her seat. "I turned the TV on manually."

However, Axel pays her no mind, still unable to locate the elusive remote. Growing frustrated, he continues scouring beneath the sofa, while Fira nonchalantly resumes her seat. Usually, Fira conceals her bottles there, but since she skipped one yesterday, only dust occupies the space. Axel then diligently probes the crevices between the sofa cushions, and Fira's attention suddenly shifts to her husband.

Yanking his arm, Fira pleads, "Come on, just sit down and watch the boring show."

But Axel remains resolute. "And that's exactly why I'm changing the damn channel! You couldn't care less about the show! You never give a damn about any of 'em!" Fira, slightly infuriated by her husband's words, grasps that he isn't referring to the television programs. However, her current agitation makes her incapable of talking back.

The reason for Fira's agitation soon comes to light when Axel's claws unintentionally graze upon an empty whiskey bottle that wasn't there yesterday. Taking it out, Axel's brows knit together, a blend of anger and confusion etched across his face as he clutches the bottle in his paw, his gaze gradually shifting towards his cringing wife. "This wasn't here before."

Attempting to explain herself, Fira starts, "Listen, babe, I can-"

"Shut it, Fir! You're just gonna lie again! Do you think hiding it in plain sight will work?" Axel bitterly tosses the empty bottle onto the carpet, continuing his search for the remote. Eventually, he finds it. However, consumed by a maelstrom of betrayal and anger, Axel no longer has the desire to sit beside his wife. He slams the remote onto the coffee table, his gaze piercing Fira. "You lied to me, Fir! Are you not seeing what you're fucking doing?!" he bellows as he rises from his crouched position.

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