chapter 4

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I finished getting dressed, cleaned up, and fixed my hair... the usual stuff I do. I pat down my dress before sighing softly. There is no need for a work dress anymore, it seems. I guess I'm ready. Right on cue a knock at my door. I open it to see Mr. Slender. I smile at him, and he lends me his arm as he leads me to the dining room. I hear a lot of bickering and fowl words being exchanged. He seems to understand my desire to not speak.
"Jeff, language." Slenderman snarled out at the young male with pitch black hair, unusually white skin, wearing a bloodied white jacket of sorts and black tight pants. Huh... such unusual clothes. He turns around to start bickering with the tall man before stopping and staring at me. He has no eyelids, and a gigantic smile carved into his cheeks.
"Who the fuck is that?" He hissed out at me. I hear Slenderman sigh heavily. I give him a curtsey but keep my mouth closed as I'd rather not an improper male know and taint my name. "You gonna answer, dumbass? Or you mute, or some shit?" He spoke loudly, to the point it hurt my ears.
"Ahhhh, Jeff, stop being a dick." Some little man laughed beside him. Unusual outfit as well. Blooded red pupils in black sockets. Slenderman clears his throat loudly.
"This is Petal, you all will be welcoming or get beat." He spoke in malice to the young folks...well specifically to the black-haired one, I'm sure. Everyone looks around before shrugging or nodding.
"Where'd you come from? You look normal....ish besides your dress." A man with a white feminine mask speaks. I look to Slender, silently pleading.
"Ah. She lived in the woods, but her home was destroyed by humans. Which, I took her in last night as there is nothing left. As for her dress, it is was is from her time -"
"From her time?" The little man cut him off. I look at him unamused from cutting Slenderman off.
"Yes. What you people may call the 'Victorian era'" He was able to finish before I heard a little gasp.
"Oh my gosh!! Your dress is so pretty!!!" A little girl in a pink gown ran up to me as she clapped her hands. I smiled at her and bent down to her height.
"Would you like a couple of dresses of your own, my little dear?" I whispered sweetly. I will always speak to a young child such as herself. She looked at Slenderman and then at me multiple times like she was pleading to him silently for confirmation. I heard him chuckle.
"You don't have to ask for my permission to say yes, Sally." He answer to her head swivels. She smiled even bigger before whipping her head back to me.
"Yes, please! Yes, please!" She repeated while jumping up and down. I laugh softly and pat her head. She has blood stains laid all over her gown and stains on her face. Everyone here, in a way, is a misfit. She hugs my arm and giggles happily.
"Now, everyone, breakfast will be ready soon. Go clean up and sit." Slenderman announced; everyone soon rushed away as he walked to the kitchen. I follow him.
"May I be of some help? I'm a fantastic cook." I spoke lowly up to him. I could see him thinking before he nodded.
"Some help would be appreciated, thank you." I smile at his response as he hands me an apron. This apron doesn't conceal much from mess, but it'll do.

We all sit at the table, so many people, this place must be giant to house this many. I ate in silence as I knew I was not welcomed by anyone besides Sally per her interest in me, and Slenderman, for he helped me.
I watched as Slender revealed his mouth, a slight tearing noise heard as it tore open so he could eat. Sharp teeth line the inside of his mouth, a pointy tongue appears inside as well... interesting. I've never seen such w thing before.
Everyone soon finishes, relaxing and enjoying their electronics. I get up, collect all dirty dishes and wares, and take them to start dishes after putting the same apron back on. Everyone got quiet at what I did, I simply didn't care enough to remark. I hum a song to myself as I clean, adjusting quickly to such a high-technology house... difficult to understand, but I'll manage.
"Fuck that lady doing?" I heard Jeff sneer, annoyed at just my mere existence it seems.
"She's being nice. Just shut up, brat." I heard a woman respond. An argument breaks out, making me close my eyes in annoyance.
"Try to ignore all of them. It's quite common for them all to bicker. " Slenderman walks into the kitchen, I hum a noise of agreement.
"Do you remember much of your past?" He asked abruptly. I pause for a second before nodding.
"Yes... but as time goes on, it gets harder to recollect."
"Would you be willing to entertain my curiosity?" He spoke simply while taking the clean but wet dishes and began drying them.
"Hm... I suppose I can." I spoke jokingly. "I came from a wealthy family, I had a pretty good life, I would say; but as I grew older, I was to be married off. I, of course, tried to persuade my parents not to do so, which led to my father beating me in retaliation. I was married off to such a horrible man, was quite angry I couldn't conceive children and would allow other men to... test my fertility as payment, and he would say punishment for my body, neglecting the part every woman is for. I grew tiresome, I stole his wealth in gold, coins, whatever he had; and left. I sold everything and landed in a small town. I very much enjoyed it. Until they killed me for being a witch." I pause while continuing to clean. "I was then for some unknown reason brought back, not knowing I was no longer alive, I went back home. Realized what happened, killed everyone in pure rage. Then, I ended up with my little abode in your woods. Until... of course, the humans." I mumbled the last part. He nods. Listening to everything. "That was a quick summary, I have no patience for myself to recollect my past." I joked with a soft laugh while looking at him. He nods.
"I understand, I see why you have such a disdain for humans. I would be, too." He sympathized and validated the pain. It made me happy for once, a male to not scoff or say I'm a foul woman.
"You're the first male who has been nice with such information," I told him my thoughts.
"Ah, I'm sorry men have been so disgusting to you. No woman deserves such things just for simply living." He spoke quietly.
"Thank you..." I mumbled, looking at my hands while drying them.
"No need to, I only wish for us all to be well and avenge what or who has done us wrong." I nod in response and smile at him.
"I may not be a blood lust killer or from the looks, as unusual as others, but I will gladly be of assistance around the house and yard." He nods. I fold my hands together on my skirt.
"That will be just fine. I don't expect everyone to crave to kill often." He told me as he put the dishes away. He holds his arm out for me. "I will show you around and accustom you to the place. I will warn you. It is a big place." I laugh at his words.
"Oh, no worries, I have time." He nods at my words.

My word, he underestimated how big this place is. It was a nice tour nonetheless. Everyone has their room, which he informed that only they may enter unless others are given permission. Sounds reasonable. He also has a library, which is so beautiful, and full of novels from many centuries. It was a delight to see. The architecture is that of the 19th century as well, all so stunning. I hear the bickering again, slowly increasing in volume as we get close to the living room.
"YOU'RE CHEATING YOU PIECE OF SHIT ELF!" That same black-haired male screamed in anger and annoyance. Slender and I sighed at the same time.
"IM NOT FUCKING CHEATING, YOU'RE JUST FUCKING STUPID, YOU DIPSHIT!" the elf screamed back. I hear a loud ow before fighting breaks out. I flicked my fingers and separated the two mid-air, they stopped at realizing.
"My apologies for intruding, but would you two behave? It's quite bothersome to fight over" I spoke, my hands still laying against my skirt. Slender chuckled at the looks the two gave him.
"She's a witch." He told them simply. They looked at each other before grumbling.
"Now. If I may put you down, I would much appreciate not doing this again." I smile sweetly at them, making them look at me confused.
"She's fucking crazy," Jeff announced annoyed. I laugh quietly.
"I may be so, but I enjoy my quiet when Mr. Slender is showing me around so I can hear him," I told them as they floated down to the ground. They both sit, pouting, but quiet. I bowed in thanks. Jeff stands up and stomps over to me, grabbing out a knife.
"Jeff," Slender spoke in a growl. I pat his arm with a smile, as a form of 'don't worry'. He points his knife at me.
"Who the FUCK do you think you are, you old ass whore ass looking bitch!" He spat in my face. My face was wiped of any smile at his useless insults. The knife jolts from his hand into the wall, sticking half deep in, spooking him a bit.
"I would advise you to speak properly, without insults or slurs coming from your mouth. I have the ability for you to lose the ability to walk, which means no throwing that knife of yours. Tread lightly with me, child." I spoke calmly, just slightly above a whisper. He looked more pissed.
"CHILD!? IM NOT A FUCKING CHILD." He goes to punch me, but he's slammed into the wall behind him. A loud groan left him in response.
"What did I say?... might I say, you will only be seen for your age when you act accordingly." I look at the elf, he jumps at me staring at him before disappearing. That works. I set Jeff down on the couch, and he slumps deep into it with multiple silent curses directed toward me.
Slender nods.
"I would say, best to behave." He spoke lightly. Which earned more curses. "Let's head outside." He leads me out of the house now.

The Witch's BiddingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora