chapter 6

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I watch Slender tense up at what they're saying. Who is going to harm them?
"Your power is strong, your mind is too. You're willing to do anything for the safety of your land...but...what about the safety of the future love?" Dove spoke hesitantly. Raven laughed heartily.
"You think too little of such a man!" It spoke. Slender stares at them. I don't know what he's thinking...
"Mr. Slender?" I spoke quietly, tilting my head. "Who is it they speak of?" I asked, he looked over to me slightly.
"The danger, his name is Zalgo. He is a demon that Lucifer even hates, he has always been a pain in my ass." He growled out angrily. "He's been known to cause issues and attempt to kill us. He has failed, but he has slowly begun to strengthen his tactics and team. Most demons don't follow his rule, he has a sort of cult. Nothing compared to the strength of me alone." I stare at his blank face, trying to see if there's anything I can tell he's thinking about. Nothing.
"You are not wrong for saying you are strong, he won't ever win. But beware, he has other tactics." Raven spoke. I look over at it. I sigh heavily and lean into my seat.
"All I wanted was to introduce you two, not create stress for the poor soul." I hummed annoyed. They make cooing noises in acknowledgment as I stand up and begin cleaning up.
"Mr. Slender, if anything is to happen soon. I greatly apologize... but the warning is much appreciated. " I spoke cautiously. He nods while standing and helping me clean up.
"Most definite, we will see how things go... it's good to know he's going to attempt another idiotic battle." He groaned, annoyed.
After cleaning up and putting things away, I decide to wander the woods to accustom myself to the full extent of this area, Dove and Raven decide to stay and play with Sally. I started to sink into my thoughts, not realizing I was at the edge of the forest. I blink a few times and look around. I know I didn't wander far, so this must be just a small clearing. It's beautiful nonetheless. I take a seat in the grass before lying down and staring up at the slightly clouded sky, pondering my thoughts and wonders. Before I knew it I fell asleep.

I wake up a bit later, the sun slowly going down. It's beautiful, but I can't stay for long or I'm sure Slender will begin to worry. I begin to head out, humming a small tune from my time. Something I've always loved to sing. I make it home and let out a soft sigh while looking at the garden. In due time it'll be in tip-top shape!

Some months have and I've kept on going to the little opening, I've told Slender and he nodded deciding its best to come with since it's a bit far away.
"You find some beautiful places." He complimented, I gave a soft laugh.
"I'm just someone who loves to explore." I spoke honestly. We both sat down, I fully laid down in the grass and stared up at the sky. The sky is a beautiful blue with clouds dusting the opening. Before long, I drift to sleep.


I look over to Petal, she's asleep. She's quite beautiful when she's asleep. I decide to get up and look around at the small area, I space out for a second at sensing a human entering my forest. I decide to go after them, stupid human. Was more than likely dared to enter the renowned haunted forest. I stare them down, amused at how scared they look. I can't take too long, I have to get back to Petal... I'll scare them off and get back to her.


I sit up, groaning softly at not knowing how long I've been asleep, I look around. It's all dark, unnaturally dark. I look to the sky, I feel goosebumps rake my skin, it's red. Where am I? This isn't the forest... I stand up, panicking a little. This has to be a dream.
"My... aren't you gorgeous." I heard a sly, dark voice purr out. I spin my head around unsure where it's coming from. I feel a grip on my waist, claws digging through my top and corset, and I freeze against my will...I can't move...why can't I move."My... what is such a beautiful little thing like you doing alone" it whispered into my ear, a dark vicious undertone far too evident. I don't say anything. It chuckled, running a hand through my hair, tugging it out of its updo. "So quiet now huh? You were so talkative to that Slender bastard just a bit ago, were you not?" It hissed. I try to tug my head away from it to get my hair out of its hand, but it just wraps its claws around my throat, causing a stuffed gasp to escape me. It laughed more. Wake up, please. "I won't let you wake until I've had my time to see why you're so enticing to that annoyance... I'd like to see it first hand." It slowly spoke, leaking venom through every word it spoke, slower and slower. I felt my breathing quicken. The other hand rips through my top and corset, tearing it to shreds. Oh god stop stop please stop.
I jolt up with a loud gut-wrenching scream, clawing at my own body while tears stream down my face and harsh breaths rake through my body.
"Hey, hey, hey!!! Calm down." I hear a familiar voice yell at me. I look at the voice. Slender. I felt my top and corset torn to shreds, making me wrap my arms around me. Slender wraps his arms around me at hearing me start to sob harder. He takes off his suit jacket and wraps it around my shoulders before picking me up.
"Why mustn't I have a simple life!?" I cried out between heavy sobs and breaths.
"I don't know..." He spoke half-heartedly, keeping my exposed form hidden against him. "Who did you see?" He asked. I shook my head.
"No one...just... just a voice...such a dark, mean voice... I... he..." I start sobbing more.
"I understand what you're trying to say. Don't speak more." He hushed me, I gripped tightly onto his shirt as my whole body shook in fear I've never felt in so long... the fear I felt when that MAN harmed me.
"I've not feared one man for since I've died... but this... Slender... I'm terrified. " I confessed shyly. Over the months, he and I have gotten close, to the point I respect him dearly and wish for his guidance and protection. He seems much preferred for me to stay close to his side for some reason, maybe because I have been a big help to the house... but confessing such a thing I fear to tell any man, is truly weakening feeling.
"Don't worry, I beg of you to wander no more for your safety. Don't ever leave my side again. I know who has attacked you..." He spoke gravely.
"Who?" I hesitantly asked.
"Zalgo." He spoke the words like bitter food was laid upon his tongue. The pieces click.
"I'm... the one he's going after, to get to you?" He nods at my question, I bury my head into his chest. "I'm so sorry..." I spoke above a peep. He rubs my back soothingly.
"It is nothing of your fault. He sees how much you mean to me as well as the others, and how you have helped to create a less chaotic life... so he wants to harass you, in unimaginable ways to break you. Which in turn, will break us all to some extent." He explained. "Nothing will happen to you... I may not be able to help with any appearances in dreams, but I will attempt." We finally arrived back home as he finished speaking. He walks in, ignoring all the looks from the others at seeing my barely kept on top and my unfortunate bad attempt of hiding myself behind his jacket. "I will speak with everyone later, gather in the dining room in 2 hours." He informed everyone in a booming voice while heading to my room. He sits me on my bed and starts to leave.
"W-wait!!" I yelled a little bit too loud. He looks back to be confused. I shake my head slightly, staring from him to the floor and back. "I don't feel safe being alone," I whispered while hugging his jacket tightly against me. He stares at me, obviously in thought, before nodding. "I just... I need someone I trust... I'm sorry." I spoke, embarrassed. He shakes his head and rubs my back.
"Don't be sorry, something like that will put anyone into extreme fear and discomfort." He assured me. I nod.
"I... I need to change, please don't leave my room, you do anything but that... please?" I pleaded. He kneels and looks at me.
"I promised I'd keep you by my side, did I not? I'll stay put while you change. I will bide my time with a book at your desk." He stood up and went to sit at my desk, a book popping into his hands. I let out an unsteady breath to try and calm down before going to find a new gown.
I decided on a pink flowery one... something to try and pick up my mood.
"Okay... I think this will do." I spoke hesitantly while fixing some folds. He looks up from the book and makes a satisfied noise.
"It's very beautiful on you... let's go have some tea." He said as he presented his arm to me, I nodded and wrapped mine around his as we left for the kitchen. This physical connection feels more needed than ever. To be assaulted in my then be tied to an assault in person, it's terrifying.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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