chapter 3

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(Major major tw for animal harm if you wish to skip I will place a ~ line to show the end and start of it)
I wake with a start as I hear animals screaming and fire crackling. I jump out of bed and instantly rush outside. I scream in horror at the barn ablaze and humans parading around the crying and burning animals. I tried to exterminate the fire as best as I could with some water spells. I lost it. Tears pooled down my face as all the humans ran away in fear. I screamed in agony as I tried to heal all of my animals with every ounce of magick I had. Sobs choking out of my throat as every single poor animal shakes in agony and fear while they wail in pain.
I couldn't save them. I couldn't save any of them. They were all too burnt and hurt. I had to put them out of their misery. They were all so hurt, all so mangled. I looked around me, all were now dead, all red burnt masses of what once were animals.

I fall to my knees in agony and let out another blood-curdling scream while gripping my head before banging my hands on the ground.
They'll all pay. They will ALL PAY.


I was wondering about my woods curious why so many humans were in it, before I knew it, I heard the most gut-wrenching scream I've ever heard. I followed it to where it was. I froze. Oh god. Her barn...her animals. I see her rush out of the barn, eyes blazing a bright white as she runs after whatever or whoever caused the horrendous scene. I follow her quickly, curious about her power. She made no time to rip every single human she came across to shreds, splattering her once-pristine nightgown with red of multiple shades. Her hair is disheveled and knotted with dried blood as she continues to run around going after the humans. None can escape, they're all too weak and slow. I hear guns firing off, hitting her, trying to stop her, but she doesn't. She keeps going.
The onslaught went on for hours, she went to extreme lengths to get rid of any humans close to the forest, close to her once farm. She didn't stop. She had no control to stop.
As soon as the sun started to rise, she heaved out heavy sobs between growls of pain. She started to slowly walk her way back home before falling to her knees in front of the barn. She starts crying again. Her body wracking with sobs as the shining whites of her eyes diminish. She lies down on the ground covering her eyes as she continues sobbing. I hesitantly walk to her, kneeling by her side.
"Petal..." I whispered out, causing her to jump in response before slowly sitting up. She sniffles, hugging her arms to herself. She reminds me of how Sally acts... "accept my invitation to stay with me, stay in my manor, much further away from humans. I will help you rebuild a new barn with more animals. I know they won't be your children, but you may raise them in remembrance." I stick my hand out to her. I can see her thinking before she shakily lays hers in mine.
"I'm so tired of being alone and helpless..." She whispered out, her voice shaking and straining to be used. I pick her up easily, carrying her bridal style as I head back home.
"You won't be alone nor helpless were never helpless. You have lived as peacefully as you could. Humans are the most despicable creatures on this Earth. You only wanted to live in peace, they wanted to conquer anything and everything they didn't understand or have." I soothed her. She softly cries in response and nods.
"I just wanted my life back before they killed me." She told me shakily. "I just wanted to be happy..." I felt my heart twinge a little bit at her words. These humans created her to become a monster. She never wanted anything to do with them after her death. Yet, they wanted everything to do with her. After some time of walking, I feel her relax in my arms, she fell asleep... I hope she has good dreams.


I groan softly as I slowly wake up. I snuggle into the pillow, before snapping my eyes open, sitting up and quickly looking around. I slumped back down realizing what happened last night.
A knock on the door grabs my attention.
"Petal?" Ah, it's Mr. Slender. I get out of bed, shuffling over and peeking out the door. He has a couple of big suitcases next to him. "I have obtained all your belongings that I could find that wasn't ruined, as the humans came back and burnt your house... As well as I will obtain some of your furniture that is still well, to make your stay here more enjoyable." I smile and slowly open the door before smiling with tears rolling down my eyes. He walks in sets the suitcases down and looks to me concerned.
"Why are you so pleasant and welcoming to me? We've only just formally met.." I mumbled, rubbing my arm to get rid of the goosebumps from how cold it was this morning.
"I, myself, have had my life ruined by humans because they are such vicious creatures. I take much sympathy and empathy for your situation and wish for you to be safe. Humans may be very weak, but they use other elements in their favor and strike what makes us weak. As you sadly saw." I shakily sigh and nod to his words. He placed a hand on my shoulder. "Fret not now though, as you are safe. Yes, you aren't by your lonesome now, but we are all accepting individuals such as us." I look up at him confused. He chuckles at my confusion. "Do your morning routine and call for me when you're ready." He heads out, leaving me to myself, giving me a chance to look around the room.
It's quaint. A decently sized beige room, with a big window on two walls, and a queen bed against the wall with no windows and no door. There is a stand-up closet with a vanity dresser next to it. I look back at the suitcases, they have specks of ash on them, that I could see Slender has tried to clean off. Humans are so cruel.

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