thirty. reminders of the past

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[ thirty

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[ thirty. reminders of the past ]

tw. panic attack

AFTER HER TALK with Oak the hours passed swiftly, and she could see Oak relax a bit, at least compared to how he was before.

She decided not to let everything that happened in the shop ruin her mood too much. Just like she did when something bad happened in the Academy.

She knocked on the front door and Mr. Evans opened the door. 

Right, he had a break for lunch.

"Good evening, Mr. Evans" Cassia greeted cheerfully. She thought about what approach she should take with the older man. She decided to just be herself instead of doing too much to convince him that she isn't like what he thinks of Capitol people. If he wants to, he will see her for who she is.

"Good evening, Cassia." He said and returned to his meal.

They didn't speak for a long while. Cassia didn't feel like bothering him during his meal.

He was the first to say "How was your first day at work?"

Cassia couldn't hide her smile. Trying to make small talk felt like a big step "It wasn't as hard as i expected." She answered truthfully.

"You like our District?" He asked after eating some of his soup

"It's beautiful. The air here is so fresh." Cassia said but she suddenly had the feeling that the man wasn't in a very good mood making her a bit nervous.

"It is. But it's not as fancy here, is it?" He added but Cassia couldn't feel angry. If today taught her anything is that people say things when they are in a bad position, even if they don't mean them.

Cassia understood the older man. She suddenly barged into his house and honestly, she wasn't the most skilled when it came to talking. In the Capitol it was easy, everyone approached her because of her family's wealth and status. But even then the only person she truly felt connected with was Lysistrata and maybe Festus but even that was a reach.

Here nobody tried to be too nice because of her status so talking became harder.

"I don't mind, I'm not fancy." She replied making the man chuckle lightly, clearly pleased with her answer. Yet something was still lingering in the air.

"For how long?" He asked and the room remained silent for a long moment.

Cassia didn't know what to say but the only thing that came to mind "You don't like me very much and I can't blame you for that. All I'm asking is a chance."

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