Chapter 17

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My eyes lazily opened as I felt weight being lifted off of the bed. I smile as I remember what happened last night. Honest to god I did sort of want him to fully mate with me, but I was way too tired. When your mate marks you, it makes you very sleepy as your body goes through some changes.

"Morning baby." I look beside me and see Liam making his side of the bed. He walks towards me and kisses my cheek.

"I have to go speak with a rogue we captured. I need to find out who he is working for. If he is working for anyone." He sits down. "I'm going to get you to train today. It will be with Tina. I want you to train because if Malcolm comes while I'm gone it will take me a while to come back and fight him. I just want us to be prepared."

I nodded and smiled. I understood that he wanted to protect me and if anything I wanted him to be protected too.

"Just warning you, Tina has got alpha blood so she will be tough. But I understand that you have alpha blood too. Don't kill each other." He laughs. Not being able to control myself, I pulled him against me and kissed him, lovingly. He kissed back as our tongues danced in our mouths. He pulled back and I gave him a sad stare. "Amber I have to go. I promise I'll be here for dinner. Just make some salad and there's some chicken. I'm sorry baby. I will be here at about nine."

He pecks my lips again and heads out the door, before stopping and turning around.

"Tina is gonna be here in ten." And with that, he disappears into the hallway. The sudden loss of contact with him made my wolf go crazy. I wish he didn't always have to run off to complete pack errands.

'If you need me, just mind link me. You're marked now, you can mind link me at any time, don't worry about my errands. Just tell me if you need anything.' And at that moment my wolf picked up her spirits and howled in delight.

'Thanks Liam. I had a great time last night.' I said, getting up and walking to the closet.

'I know, you wouldn't let me pull my teeth out of you. I can't talk now, I have to go. But if you feel the urge to speak to me about something important, then please do so.' I could feel him smirk. I scoffed and picked out some workout clothes.

I got dressed and headed downstairs. I grabbed a banana from the bench and started eating it. I grabbed a bag and filled it with necessities; a towel, spare change of clothes, water bottle and a spare change of shoes. It was once I finished the banana, I heard the knock on my door.

"Amber it's just me, Tina." I walked to the door and opened it. Tina had a bag over her shoulder and was dressed in training attire like me. She had her eyebrows scrunched up in confusion. I realised what was happening.

She was taking in my new scent. I was marked now, so the transformation of the mating process was half way completed. That means I'm smelling a bit more like Liam now. 

"Oh my, Amber. Is that a mark! Oh it is! I'm so happy!" She jumped up and down, clapping her hands like a seal. I just laugh and shake my head, closing the door behind me and locking it.

"Let's go before you pass out and Liam has your head on a stick." I laughed and pulled her towards Liam's personal gym. She giggled and nodded, agreeing with what I was saying.

"You know, I could hurt you real bad and then Liam would come running to your side." She stared at me, mischief in her eyes. As tempting as the offer is, I knew I couldn't do it.

"Also, he would kill you. And plus he has to deal with the rogue." I say, a bit disappointed myself. "Hey, have you talked to Dan?" I ask, honestly feeling bad for her. Someone like Dan doesn't deserve someone like Tina. But I was curious. 

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