The End of A Fun Day

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Hearing them approach, Xavier and Miranda broke apart, looking red and flustered.

"Hey guys!" Xavier greeted, his tone casual as if he did not just have a make out session with Miranda.

"Hey," Judith replied, acting like she was nothing out of the ordinary.

Miranda grinned mischievously, obviously amused at being caught, "Did you guys enjoy the rides?"

Zayden nodded, looking unaffected, "Yeah, it was fun. How about you guys?"

"Same," Xavier and Miranda said simultaneously.

"Where are the others?" Judith asked.

Miranda shrugged, "I don't know. They could be anywhere."

"Alright, I'll call Liam," Zayden took out his Soni Mobile phone and began dialing.

As Zayden dialed Liam's number, it took a few seconds before Liam finally picked up.

"Hey Zayden, what's up?" Liam's voice came through the phone.

"We're looking for you guys. Where are you and Hillary?" Zayden asked.

"We're sitting on a table by the food trucks," Liam replied, his voice slightly muffled in the background, "Jessica and Charles are here too."

"Great! We'll head over there," Zayden said before ending the call.

Turning to the others, he informed them of Liam and the rest of their company's whereabouts.

"Oh good! We don't have to find Charles and Jessica," Judith remarked.

"I realized that we haven't eaten anything yet," said Xavier to Miranda.

Miranda nodded, "Yeah, I am hungry now. What about you guys?" She asked Judith and Zayden.

"We hadn't eaten either," Zayden answered.

"Then let's get some food when we meet the others," Judith suggested. Everyone agreed.

Together, they made their way through the bustling crowd, weaving between the various attractions until they reached the area where the food trucks were stationed.

At a table near the food trucks, 4 people are seen with various kinds of foods before them.

The 4 people are Liam, Hillary, Charles, and Jessica. The guys sat across from the girls.

Right now Liam is munching on stacks of hotdogs like no tomorrow, Charles is chugging on a bottle of Coke after finishing his sandwich, Jessica is eating a burger with fries, and Hillary is just picking on her nachos with cheese.

"This is a mistake," she said distastefully. She took a nacho chip and threw it over her shoulder to feed some seagulls nearby.

Liam stopped chewing, "What is?" He asks her with his mouth full.

Hillary scowl deepened, "Getting this!" She replied, referring to the nachos. "I can't believe there are no salads anywhere in this place!"

Gulping his food, Liam then stated, "You could've gotten a deli sandwich or fries."

"The sandwiches have processed meats and the fries are salty!"

"Then tell them you want no salt on them."

"There is still the large amounts of fat and carbs that goes with it!"

Liam gave her a deadpan expression.

"You may as well eat a raw potato then," he remarked.

Hillary gave Liam a look of disbelief.

"Are you insulting me?" She asks in a demanding tone.

Billionaire Villainess (Unedited)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن