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Words: Experiment, exceed, exercise, extension, empirical

Eventually, the ambulance arrives to take Peyton to the hospital, but she refuses to go without Lucy. Angela assures her that it's okay and she can go with Peyton.

"I'm scared," Peyton whimpers as she is loaded into the ambulance.

"I know, sweetie. You're going to be okay."

"You promise?"

Her heart pangs as she grabs Peyton's hand. "Of course, sweetie. I promise."

They get to the hospital and Lucy remains by Peyton's side as they unload the gurney from the ambulance and wheel her into the emergency room. As they are doing that, another ambulance pulls up and it's clearly a bad case. The paramedics are doing CPR and bagging the patient.

Lucy overhears the doctor who approaches the paramedics. "What happened?"

"Girlfriend said his ex pushed him down the stairs. We're not sure, but we suspect an extension fracture in his spine."

"Hm. An empirical theory, but it definitely looks to be the case," the doctor looks at the patient. "Were the cops called as well?"

"Of course. The girlfriend called 911. Dispatcher sent us and the cops."

Lucy returns her attention to Peyton as they arrive at a room, transferring her from the gurney to the hospital bed. The paramedics give a quick run-down of Peyton's situation to the doctor and nurse before leaving, taking the gurney along with them.

"So I hear you tripped down some stairs, is that right?" the doctor, a kind, middle-aged woman smiles as she puts on a pair of blue gloves.

Peyton nods, her body shaking. Lucy gets an idea. "Hey, sweetie. Can I go real quick? I'll only be gone for a minute."

"But- I'm scared."

"I know. But you're also a very brave little girl. I want to go and get a surprise for you. And I'm sure the nice doctor and nurse would be more than happy to keep you company until I get back, okay?"

Peyton nods reluctantly. "Okay... but hurry."

"I will. I promise."

"So," Nurse Katie says, deciding to make small talk. "Are you an active girl? Do you like to exercise?"

Lucy hurries to the hospital gift shop. After browsing through the stuffed animals, she picks out one that she hopes Peyton will love. She brings it up to the register and pays for it. The cashier hands Lucy the receipt. "Thank you," Lucy says, taking the receipt and shoving it into her pocket before hurrying out of the gift shop and back to Peyton.

"You're back!" Peyton perks up a little.

"Did you behave?" Lucy asks, and Peyton deflates. Lucy looks to the doctor and the nurse for an explanation.

"She refused to let us examine her at all unless you were there," the nurse, whose nametag read 'Katie' explains.

The doctor, with the name Doctor Samantha Hayes embroidered onto her white lab coat, nods. "She wouldn't even let us get vitals."

Lucy nods in understanding. "She wouldn't go into the ambulance without me."

"Do- Do you have my surprise?" Peyton asks sheepishly.

"Yes, I do. But I'll only give it to you if you let Miss Katie and Doctor Hayes examine you. Deal?"


Lucy reveals the stuffed animal, a cute light brown bear wearing a hospital gown and bracelet. Lucy had hoped that not only would the bear give Peyton comfort, but also make her feel better about being in the hospital herself.

Nurse Katie begins to take Peyton's vitals while she clutches the bear close to her heart. Doctor Hayes speaks to Lucy. "If you don't mind me asking, do you have any clue why she has formed such a strong connection to you?"

Lucy sighs. "I was looking into a particular case with one of our detectives. We arrived at this house and we found a way in through the back. My colleague went inside, and I was about to do the same when I noticed a sound and some movement coming from a bush."

"Blood pressure is normal. Ninety-four over sixty-one," Nurse Katie says out loud to no one in particular as she enters the data into a computer.

"I approached the bush and found Peyton. She was huddled up in the fetal position, shaking badly. Worse than she is now,"

"Respiratory rate is good. Around twenty-eight," Nurse Katie says.

"Because of how she was positioned, I didn't even notice her injury at first. All I knew was that something strange was going on in that house, and in front of me was a terrified little girl."

"Heart rate is within the normal range," Nurse Katie notes. "Eighty-three."

"I helped her to calm down and once she came out from the bush, I held her in my lap. That's when she complained about her leg hurting. I adjusted her on my lap so that I could get a better look at it, and I saw the bone sticking out."

"Temperature is 98.1."

"I don't know what happened to her before we got there. All I know is what she told me. Apparently, there was a 'scary man' and he was yelling at and hitting her mom. Her mom told her to go so that she wouldn't get hurt. I-" Lucy takes a moment to ground herself. "I can only imagine what would've happened to Peyton if she didn't listen."

"That's terrible. It definitely exceeds anything I could've possibly guessed."

A little while later, it is decided that Peyton needs surgery. Before Peyton was willing to let the medical team do anything, she made Lucy promise that she'd wait for her and be there when she woke up. Of course, Lucy agreed.

Lucy didn't know why she felt such a strong, deep connection with Peyton. She never imagined herself caring about a kid like this. As if she were her own kid. Lucy never expected this. It felt like her own emotions had become some sort of experiment.

She vowed right then and there that she would seek justice for Peyton's mom, and do everything in her power to ensure that Peyton would never, ever have to go through something like that again. As long as Lucy was around, Peyton would know nothing but joy and happiness. Peyton would laugh and smile. She'd be happy.

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