Chapter 4 : Solarius

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Today's the day... the day of the ball. I can hardly contain my excitement as I get ready for the big event. Putting on my best suit, I'm feeling like a million fire sparkles. But there's a tiny bummer in the mix—Luna's not up for it yet.

She's all about staying in, not quite feeling the vibe of the fancy shindig. Can't blame her. But still, it's kind of a bummer not having my partner in crime by my side for the night.

Anyway, I'm not letting that put a damper on things. I'm gonna strut right into that ballroom, soak up all the glitz and glam, and dance my heart out. And who knows, maybe Luna will change her mind for the next one.

I'm pumped about meeting some new folks and mingling at the ball. There's just something about walking into a room full of strangers, all buzzing with their own stories and vibes.

I'm looking forward to chatting, making new buddies, and maybe stumbling upon some cool connections. Who knows what kind of interesting characters I'll bump into? It's all part of the fun of not knowing, and I'm totally down to roll with it and see where the night leads.

In my rush to get to the ball, I barely have time to throw on my suit before I step outside. As I make my way down the path, my mind is buzzing with thoughts of how to get to the castle in time. And then, out of nowhere, I spot it—a huge, shining phoenix hovering in the air.

I can't help but stop in my tracks, completely taken aback by the sight. Its fiery feathers are so bright, they light up the whole sky. It's like something out of a dream. But hey, who needs a carriage when you've got a giant mythical bird to take you to the ball? With a grin, I approach the phoenix, ready for a ride I'll never forget.

As I go up to that stunning phoenix, its fiery eyes meet mine, and I feel this rush of warmth and energy, like, whoa. Without even saying a word, that bird spreads its wings like, "Hop on !"

So, with this mix of excitement and wonder, I jump on its back, feeling those feathers heating up against my skin. And then, whoosh! Off we go, soaring through the sky like a couple of champions.

Man, everything's a blur down there—lights, colors, wind whipping past me like crazy. But I'm holding on, grinning from ear to ear, loving every second of this wild ride.

Before I know it, We're at the castle, touching down in the courtyard all smooth-like. I hop off the phoenix, feeling super grateful for the lift. With a nod, that majestic bird takes off again, leaving me standing there like, "Wow, that was epic."

Now, I'm pumped as I head into the castle, ready to see what this night's got in store. Music's pumping, people are laughing—I can't help but think, "Yep, tonight's gonna be one for the books."

Two guards, decked out in heavy knight armor, greet me at the entrance.

"Good Evening, Sir," says one.

"Welcome to the Elemental Ball," adds the other.

Their voices are deep and formal.

"Thanks," I nod, feeling a bit more relaxed. With their invitation, I step inside, ready to dive into the festivities and try to have a good time. 

As I wander around, eager to meet new faces, I unexpectedly bump into my old friend Lucas.

"Hey, Lucas! What's up, buddy?" I greet him with a grin, genuinely happy to see a familiar face in the bustling crowd.

"How's everything going?" I inquire, curious to catch up on what he's been up to lately.

"Hey, Long time no see Amigo. Oh, you know, just trying to navigate through this crazy world," Lucas replies with a chuckle. "But hey, I can't complain. Life's treating me pretty well lately. How about you? What's new for you?"

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