Chapter 3 : Ethora

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Reluctantly dragged from my cozy slumber, I groaned at the rude awakening. But any remnants of sleepiness evaporated in an instant when a loud "bam" echoed from downstairs. Panic shot through me like a jolt of electricity. Attacks from elemental colonies were sadly becoming a regular thing in our world.

I dashed downstairs, clutching my crystal bow and arrow like a lifeline. Adrenaline pumped through my veins, making me hyper-aware as I braced for whatever danger lurked below. Every muscle in my body tensed, ready to defend our home and The Book with all I had.

Peeking around the corner, I found Liam testing out the kunai he'd just forged. "Seriously,  man?!" I yelled, eyeing the busted furniture and scorching marks on the walls.

Liam looked up, guilt written all over his face as he scratched the back of his head. "My bad," he mumbled. "Didn't mean to cause such a racket."

I couldn't help but shake my head, a mixture of frustration and amusement bubbling up inside me. "Maybe next time, test your stuff outside?" I suggested, gesturing at the mess.

He grinned sheepishly. "Yeah, good call. Sorry about that, buddy."

I waved off his apology, already mentally calculating the cleanup process. Despite the chaos, I couldn't be mad at Liam for long. He was always there when things got tricky and dangerous, even if his experiments sometimes left a bit of a mess behind.

Despite being a bit of a goofball at home, Liam's always got my back when things get hairy. He's like my personal bodyguard, swooping in to save the day whenever trouble comes knocking. 

Honestly, I owe him big time, especially for that one crazy time when everything went sideways. Our old place got wrecked, and our parents weren't around to bail us out. But Liam? He was right there, pulling me out of the chaos and making sure I stayed in one piece. He's not just my buddy, he's my lifesaver.

"I miss them every single day. Sometimes, I find myself standing by their graves, wishing with all my heart that I could see them again, just for a moment. I made a promise to them.

 Every time I visit, I tell them that I'll keep fighting against all the madness and chaos in this world. It's like my way of honoring their memory and everything they stood for. But, man, some days it feels like an uphill battle.

They were really tough cookies, you know? I wish they were still around to see all the stuff we've managed to pull off. Both Mom and Dad were ice guardians. 

Before they, well, you know, disappeared, they made sure we knew how important it was to keep The Book safe. It's like our family's treasure or something, our pride and legacy. And we're not about to let anything happen to it, no way.

As my eyes swelled up with tears, memories of our parents and the day our house was bombed flooded my mind. I could feel the weight of grief pressing down on me, threatening to overwhelm my fragile composure. Lost in the painful memories.

"Ethora???, Darling are you okay?" Liam's concern was observant, his eyes reflecting the worry etched on his face. His question, simple and direct, broke through the wall of sorrow surrounding me.

I blinked, focusing on his familiar face hovering in front of me. His nickname for me, "darling," echoed in my mind, a reminder of our shared history and the bond between us. 

Swallowing hard, I managed a nod, unable to find my voice amidst the turmoil of emotions swirling within me. Liam's presence was a lifeline in the storm of memories, a reminder that I wasn't alone in facing our shared past.

Ohh... Come here," he says softly, his voice tinged with compassion as he pulls me into a tight but comforting hug.

Feeling the strength of his arms around me, I let out a shaky breath, my tense muscles gradually relaxing against his chest. In that moment, all the pain and uncertainty seemed to fade away, replaced by a sense of security and belonging. Liam's hug was like a lifeline, grounding me in the present and reminding me that I wasn't alone in facing the challenges of our past. As we stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, I found solace in the simple yet profound comfort of his hugs.

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