Library Nights

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The story starts around the year 843 in the Attack on Titan timeline - which means 2 years, before the main storyline from the Anime sets off. In my mind, Hange is 23 years old, while Sira is 20.

I will try to always provide song recommendations to listen to, while reading the chapters.
For this chapter, it's:

"Scott Street" by Phoebe Bridgers.

"Why am I always finding you in the library at this hour? Say, do you ever go to sleep, Hange?", Sira's voice came from behind, making her squad leader turn around a bit startled. She was right; for some weeks by now, it had become a regular occurrence for Sira to walk up behind her in the library. Not that she only now started to spend her nights in here, but it seemed like Sira had caught up on her working schedules, as the two of them had spent many nights together. Hange didn't mind any one of them, though, as Sira wasn't only helpful in many ways, since she was just as brilliant as her brother in different areas, she thought; she also always acted very caring towards her, sneaking some food and drinks from the kitchens into the library for her. Somehow, she must have had a sixth sense about the fact, that Hange spent many hours in here and not so many thoughts about caring for herself in that time. It was her and the books, most of the times. Thanks to Sira, she also got to eat and drink something regularly now, too; while enjoying her presence just as much. Upon her sight, Hange couldn't help but return her smile; not missing out on the opportunity to tease her a bit, too.

"Aren't you here right now, too? When do you sleep? I always thought I was ordering you around during the day too much, but it seems that you're searching for my company during the nights just as much, huh?", she replied, grinning, not knowing just how right she actually was about that. Sira avoided her brown, beautiful eyes behind these glasses, with a blush on her face and waving with her hand as if she was trying to say that it wasn't like this – when everything about it was exactly like this. She was searching for her company.

"I can leave, if you want me to...", she murmured, tucking her hair behind her ear. And something about her voice in that moment was very telling of the fact, that she didn't want to leave. But Hange didn't want her to leave, either. "I just thought you could need something to eat since you've been lost in that book at dinner already. Also, maybe some company? You know, allowing me some insight into your thoughts, before I have to come up with things in just a few seconds on our next mission, when you shout your clever ideas at me.", Sira continued. Hange laughed at her response, pulling out the chair next to her and gesturing Sira to sit and she was glad that she didn't send her away. She really challenged Sira sometimes, Hange thought to herself, but Sira had never once complained about her eccentric and spontaneous behaviour, not even when their lives were on the lines. It had been almost a year and not once Sira had told her to stop with her crazy ideas. If anything, she encouraged her even more, trying to understand her, trying to help her with all these ideas, with her research. She had even listened to her ramble about how she wanted to get a hold of a titan to observe them more. Sometimes, Hange thought, Sira really was heaven sent, because no one in here had supported her like she did. Although he was helpful, Moblit was always worried and scared. But Sira was not; she tried to find a way for Hange and didn't care about getting in trouble with Commander Shadis. She wasn't scared to dive into Hange's curiosity; sometimes, Hange felt like Sira actually wanted to embrace it, although she struggled to see, why she would do that for her.

"You do that very well, though. Working with my sudden thoughts and ideas, I mean.", she praised her with a smirk, moving two of her books in the middle of the desk and putting the lit candle there, too, "Well then, no challenging you on our next mission. You really deserve a break for once, huh?" Hange continued grinning, as Sira rolled her eyes at her. She couldn't help but notice her red cheeks, and how that strand of hair had fallen just back into her face again. For a moment, her gaze lingered on the face of her assistant, not realising that she watched her, while doing so.

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