Being placed down in her designated chair, Alexa felt a chill go down her, and she knew her body was set on self-sabotage. She felt a hand against her forehead once more, she pulled away from it, unknowingly pouting as she did so. "Sorry Lex, you definitely have a fever." Daisy sympathetically said, "I feel fine." Alexa mumbled, but she didn't even believe the words herself.

"Sick day?" Lottie questioned, "sick day." Daisy affirmed. The girl was sure that if she didn't already feel sick, that the interaction would've given her at least a small stomach ache. "Well you know what this calls for?" The blonde questioned the girl.

Alexa wasn't sure what to say, nor did she know what to expect. "mama's sick day special." Lottie answered for her.


This seemed to be Lottie's place to shine, with her taking the reigns on it all. The previous breakfast had been discarded, and Alexa found herself sitting upright on the couch, a blanket draped over her legs.

A pillow was propped against her, and she almost hated how comfortable she felt. "I know you feel icky but this is going to make you feel so much better." Lottie reassured, a spoonful of medicine in her hand, the girl eyed the syrup questioningly. "It's gonna be gross." Alexa opposed, Daisy held up the medicine bottle, "it's strawberry flavoured." She said.

After seeing this, the girl complied, allowing the medicine inside of her mouth. Even with her altered sense of taste, she could taste a hint of strawberry, true to the woman's words.

She flopped her head back against the pillow, hoping to feel less..disgusting soon. Lottie picked up a sippy cup from the coffee table, presenting it to the girl, Alexa wasn't so convinced. "It's just ginger ale, it'll soothe your stomach." Lottie informed her, Alexa took the sippy cup off the woman, who let the girl take it.

Alexa peered down through the small opening, seeing the carbonated beverage. She gave it a small sip, her face scrunched slightly at the taste, she wasn't particularly a fan but it could be worse. She took a bigger sip, before settling the sippy cup in her lap.

"Do you think you can try to eat for us?" Daisy softly asked, tucking the girl's hair behind her ear. A child would've refused, so Alexa did the opposite, wanting to prove she was mature enough to know what was best for her. She nodded, fearing the bowl of oatmeal that sit on the coffee table.

Lottie picked up the bowl, stirring the spoon which incited steam from the bowl. The blonde blew gently on the spoon, before presenting it to the girl's lips.

Accepting the oatmeal, she chewed on the painfully bland mixture. She chewed on the mouthful, cringing at the idea of swallowing it. Noting the stares from the women, she swallowed the oatmeal. It felt gross in her stomach, yet she opened her mouth for the next spoonful put in front of her.

After the third spoonful, she broke. Her stomach felt far too bilious, and her want to seem mature had dwindled. She was allowed to be pathetic, she told herself, she was sick.

She leaned her cheek against her shoulder, the material of her shirt felt uncomfortable against her rosy cheek, but the thought of moving her head felt burdensome.

There was something cold in her ear that made her immediately sit back up, "stop." She whined, realising it was a thermometer. The device made a beep which made her head hurt even more, "just a moment longer sweetie, then it'll all be over." Lottie promised, the girl sat still, giving in to the woman's commands in hopes of it ending sooner.

"one hundred and one point four, she just needs some rest and she'll feel better." The blonde told Daisy, placing the thermometer down. "Lottie, i've been sick enough times to know what it means." Daisy replied, "and who took care of you most of those times?" Lottie argued smugly.

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