CHAPTER Eight: The wrong decision

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Aiden: ( while speaking to himself) yes, that is what I was expecting. (While bending his head ans begins to shout) I am going away from this house ( while raises his head) you people would never see me again.

Jaden: no brother you cannot say that.

Naomi skies: please my son Aiden, don't leave us here.

Aiden: you people have never consider me as part of the family so I am going.

Aiden turns his back and begin to walk.

Jaden: no Aiden don't do that, we are sorry since the beginning even ma I was not aware of that. (Turning and look towards his mother Naomi skies) why mother? Why did you hide Aiden's sickness to us for a very long time?

Naomi skies: excuse me my children I was afraid to tell you people....

Jaden: Why mother?

Aiden turns his back again and look his mother.

Aiden: yes mother why did you hide my sickness?

Naomi skies: I was afraid to say because the information would have make you to feel depressed and it was not good for your health Aiden.

Jaden: did late dad knows about it?

Naomi skies: from the beginning it was difficult to inform it to him, but later I took my courage to tell him.

Aiden: (feeling disappointed) what a ridiculous family.

Jaden: don't exaggerate Aiden, I would not give the right to say it.

Naomi skies: he is correct to say it Jaden. I am the responsible of this problem, yes I am really a ridiculous mother.

Jaden: don't say it mother I know that it is difficult to inform it in the beginning, but not take this to say that you are.....

Aiden: (to Jaden) if she is not a ridiculous mother then what does she?

Jaden fell angry and turn to punch Aiden on his stomach.

AHhhh! AHhh! ( While holding his stomach) you think that you are too powerful, let's me go away.

Aiden turns his back for the third time and go away while running.

Naomi skies: No Aiden don't gooo.

Jaden: leave him to go, when he will feel lonely he is going to come back.

Jaden turns his back and move in the house.

Don't stay there mum, if Aiden is not more there, I am here with you and to support you.

Naomi skies: ok Jaden.

" To be continue"

Thanks you for reading.

Next time: chapter Nine: The wrong direction

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