Chapter 35: Peace in your presence

Start from the beginning

Jeonghan then steps out of his chamber to find Mingyu still at the door. "Good morning, Mingyu," Jeonghan greets Mingyu, who bows back at him with a small smile. Coming to terms, Jeonghan was slowly repairing his bonds with everyone. "Your Highness, is there any place that you desire to go?" Mingyu asks.

"Yes, the garden," he says, walking as Mingyu follows behind. "I have left my flower crowns there."

Jeonghan watches with curiosity as all the women of the Sel Empire walk around wearing red clothes, their selves reflecting each other.

"Why are they all wearing red?" Jeonghan questions as they take the turn for the garden. "It's for the ritual of the vigil of longevity."

Jeonghan tilts his head in confusion, "What's that?" he says as they near the regular small open chamber where Jeonghan sits. His eyes form a smile as he spots the bunch of kids playing there. He usually comes here to make flower crowns, and these kids also join him.

"It's a ritual, a fasting ritual," Mingyu explains. "It's for married couples or the ones that are about to get married."

"In this, you are supposed to fast the whole day for your spouse's long lifeline, and the next day you are supposed to break this fast while feeding each other," Jeonghan nods his head in acknowledgment as his hands start to bind the flowers in a practiced manner.

"Hi!" Jeonghan raises his eyes to the sight of the small kid who comes running towards Jeonghan with his troop of friends. A chuckle resonates within Jeonghan as he finds Mingyu's son, Kim Jungwon, running towards him.

"What are you doing here so early?" Jeonghan questions, threading his fingers through his soft hair.

Jungwon and Jeonghan met in the garden itself when Mingyu was accompanied by his son to the royal place, wishing to visit Wonwoo. And he immediately befriended Jeonghan, who was in the garden from that day. Jungwon would always come with Mingyu or Wonwoo to the palace just to visit Jeonghan.

It was fun to watch a 10-year-old with small cheeks, resembling his father, Wonwoo, and built from Mingyu, all whipped for Jeonghan.

"I came to play with Suwon and Minjun," Jungwon says between his small stutters, pointing at the two kids standing behind him. Jeonghan recognizes one as Advisor Junhui's son and the other as another royal's son. The kids here were heartwarming and happy to mingle.

"You make flower crowns," Jungwon says, reaching for the one with pink flowers. "Yes," Jeonghan says as he picks it up, placing it tenderly onto Jungwon's head. "You look so beautiful in this," Jeonghan coos, squeezing Jungwon's cheeks, who laughs, his red cheeks visible.

"I'm handsome..." He puffs his chest out, and Jeonghan suppresses his laugh. "Not beautiful..."

"Okay, handsome," Jeonghan chuckles, kissing his cheeks, and Jungwon gets off his lap before running back to his friends.

Seungcheol stood by the window, silently observing as Jungwon bounded away from Jeonghan's lap with infectious laughter echoing in the room. A small, tender smile played on Seungcheol's lips as he witnessed the genuine affection Jeonghan shared with all the children.

"What are you doing?" Seungcheol swiftly pulled the curtains shut, turning to find Jisoo standing there, arms folded across his chest.

"Nothing," Seungcheol replied, clearing his throat and stepping away from the window, his movements betraying a hint of discomfort.

"Mina mentioned you haven't eaten anything today. Why?" Seungcheol's voice held a gentle concern.

"I am fasting, Seungcheol," Jisoo answered, his tone softened by a slight pout, prompting Seungcheol to shoot him a playful glare. "For what?"

"For Seokmin's long lifeline," Jisoo responded, and Seungcheol couldn't help but grumble under his breath, "as if he's going to depart anytime soon."

"Is Jeonghan fasting too?" Jisoo's unexpected question caught Seungcheol off guard, causing him to freeze momentarily. Is he? Seungcheol found himself at a loss for an answer.

"I don't know," he muttered, his uncertainty palpable, prompting a nod from Jisoo. "What about you?"

Seungcheol deflected, burying himself in the pages of a nearby book. "Are you fasting?"

"Why should I?" Jisoo's grip tightened on the book, his eyes boring into Seungcheol's. "Do you not cherish him? Don't you yearn to share your life with him?" Jisoo's piercing inquiry forced Seungcheol into a moment of introspection.

Does he? The answer resounded deep within him, evident in his steadfast commitment to abstain from even a sip of water.

"You may deceive everyone, including yourself, Jeonghan, Junhui, and even the divine, but not me," Jisoo's hand found its way to Seungcheol's shoulder, his touch both comforting and compelling. "I see through your facade, and all I want is for you to find happiness."

"Your Highness," Jeonghan looks up from his work to see Mingyu standing before him. "It's almost time for your lunch meal. Let us depart."

Jeonghan shakes his head with a smile as he lifts his gaze toward the courthouse window, where Seungcheol might be present right now.

"No," Jeonghan says, gripping the crown in his hand. "I wish to fast in solidarity for Seungcheol as well."



Wonie is here! Mingyu and wonwoo's son 😂🤭

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Wonie is here! Mingyu and wonwoo's son 😂🤭

The end is nearing for this book 😭😭 very few chapters left to go 🥲

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