"Haha taste like pudding, sweet."

I blushed again and pushed him gently. Then I intertwined our hands and pulled him in the resraurant. "Kenji is here too, you know."

"I asked your brother when you didn't replied to my messages. Then he told me to just come here. I didn't know about Kenji." he said.

"I see. So that's why Semi told me to check my phone hahaha."

"But is it really okay if I join?"

"Yea, why not."

"I'm not part of your-"

"You're a part of me. My Omi." I stopped walking and looked at him. "I want to tell the world about you. So let's go."

We are about to go when Semi came running towards us. He looks nervous. "Hazel! Airon!"

"Semi? What's wrong?" I asked when he stopped in front of us.

He calmed himself before he talk. "The dinner is over. You two can go anywhere else and have a date. So your looks won't go to waste hehehe."

"Huh? I just left for about 5 minutes and it's over?" I jokingly asked.

"Haha yea, something just came up to them so they left."- Semi's still looked nervous for me but if he says it's okay then it's okay.

"Where's Dad and Mom?"

"They went to the bathroom."

"Where's Kenji?"

"They left with their families. So you two, go away and have a date now hehe."

Hmm, something is wrong with him. It's like he don't want me to go back there. Does something happened? He looked at Omi and then he nodded.

"Then, we'll be going now. I will send her back to your house later." Omi said and pulled me out of there.

"Wait Omi, where are we going? He's definitely hiding something from me." I said when we got out of the restaurant.

"I don't know, maybe you're just overthinking." he faced me. "Can I ask you for a date instead?"

I sighed and smiled at him. "Sure."

We went to another fancy restaurant since we're wearing a formal dress tonight. I didn't told him that I already ate a lot so we can eat together hehe. Then after that, we went to a private park and watched the fireworks show. We stayed there and talked about what we think our future is. After an hour, we decided to go home. He still have a training camp to attend tomorrow. Though, he said he wishes to just come home with me haha he's so adorable. We arrived at my parent's house at 10 pm.

"So, uh.. bye?"

"Yea, see you on Monday, I guess." he said.

I hugged him. "Thank you. I had fun tonight."

"I love you babe." he said and hugged me back.

"You need to go now. It's getting late."

He pulled away and patted my head. "Yes. So go inside now and I will leave."

"Alright. Take care okay?" He nodded at me so I waved my goodbye before I went inside our house. I turns to look at him and saw him getting in the taxi. Aaaaaaah I will miss him again.


"Mom." I saw my family in the living room. Looks like they're waiting for me. Mom took my hands and leads me to sad down with them.

Love At Third SightOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant