And so that's what happened.

Although, before departing, Princess mentioned that she had left her phone back at home. Dee told her not to worry and that she would call her parents herself and let them know of the arrangement and where she was going to be for the next few days.


As soon as Princess's head hit the pillow of the MacGregor's spare bedroom's bed she crashed. And she slept on till twilight.

Without any dreams.

Much later, when she arose from bed and went downstairs into the kitchen to check the time on the clock, it was quarter-past four. Meaning Dee would not be back for another three hours and Hew and Adie would not be back until pub closing time, which would be past ten at night.

Feeling much better than she had this morning, Princess made herself a strong cup of tea and sat in the living room under a hefty bundle of blankets, because she would have felt bad about using the MacGregor's wood to make a fire.

Then once she had gotten bored of that she had decided it was best for her to go out and play with the dogs—or more so sit whilst she watched them play.

And so did she, until Dee came back home.

"He came in, ye ken, yer Rodric. An' he asked after ye o' cour—dinnae fash hen, ah explained tae him that ye were havin' a bad day an' took the day off an' that ye had forgotten ye phone at hom—naw-naw ah didnae tell him anything like 'at. Ah said 'at was for him tae ask ye." Dee explained as Princess helped her prepare dinner.

Princess nodded, holding the kitchen knife mid-air above the chopping board as she listened to Dee. Then she could not help herself as she began saying, "Ah thank ye Dee—for everythin' an' ah'm sorry ah—"

"Ahh haud yer wheest, hen. Ah already told ye, ye have shite tae be sorry for an' ah'll have ye ken that ah'm ye godmoth'r an' a love ye an' ye family. Yees ar' family. Ah have nae right tae interfere with ye an' ye parents—ah hope ye understand—but ah will always be here for ye. So, no apologies ah beg!"

Princess laughed and embraced Dee in a side hug.

"Ah dinnae ken whit ah'd do wi'oot ye," Princess said, breaking out into tears for the umpteenth time.

"Ahh hen."

Dee abandoned her stew to give Princess one of her bear hugs. After a long while, of hugging and lulling side to side, Princess finally professed, "Ah feel bad for Rodric though, anno ah come first, but ah should have at least communicated wi' him abou—"

Dee whirled around and automatically handed Princess her phone without a word. Princess slowly took it, then smiled and thanked her godmother with a peck on the cheek.

Princess went upstairs to the spare bedroom and rang Rodric with Dee's phone. The phone rang for not even a second before Rodric picked up, frantic, "Dee? Is somethin' the matter? Is it Princess?"

"It's me," Princess said softly.

"Prin—Oh, thank Gad—are ye ok?"

There was a pause.

As Princess needed a few seconds before she slowly said, "Mhm...ah'm sorry ah ignored wis no' ma intention ta—"

"Princess ye sound slow an' broken? Are ye sure ye're ok?"

"Ah'm better now... Ah'm sorry rea—"

"Princess—ma Prince Charmin'—please dinnae apologise, ye did nothin' wrong."

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