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"It wasn't even me!" Hyunjin retorted with a heavy sigh.

"Yes, it was, I saw you in the cafe. You were clearly with a woman at that time. Don't lie to me!" Felix uttered, tugging onto Hyunjin's hoodie before he leaned against the table.

"Really now? What could you have been doing there that time then? I know, sure, as heck, it wasn't any coincidence." Hyunjin scoffed, placing his hands on his hips and glaring at Felix.

"That's not the point! The point is that I saw you at the damned cafe!" Felix complained, pointing at Hyunjin.

"So what if you did?" Hyunjin plainly replied, softening his gaze.

"Hyunjin! What's wrong with you?" Felix frowned.

"Sorry Felix, I'm really not understanding that 'point' of yours. Why does it bother you that much if I'm out? If I'm out with a woman, as you said?" Hyunjin retorted, resting his arms at his sides before crossing them, showing that he, for sure, didn't seem to be so bothered by the accusations of his husband.

"Why does it bother me? Oh, I'm not sure Hyunjin, maybe it's the fact that we've been married for over three years? Doesn't that change anything?" Felix spoke slightly sarcastic, humming softly before inquiring.

"You could tell me if it does change anything. Does it?" Hyunjin repeated, wanting the other to answer so, too.

"Why are you like this? What was I to you all along then? Was I some idiotic three year trial, just to see how wonderful your time would be with me? Right before making your final choice? Is that what I was?" Felix retorted, pouting unintentionally. Gosh, he was so damn close to cracking, and Hyunjin was just pushing it with this pointless argument.

"I have no idea what you're thinking of now. I also have no idea of how much more stupid your speaking gets." Hyunjin sighed, shaking his head and leaning against the wall.

"Hyunjin. Did this whole marriage really not matter to you? Is that what you're trying to tell me?" Felix muttered quietly, trying to figure it out.

"Listen, Felix, maybe this marriage was indeed nothing to me. What would you do about it then?" Hyunjin calmly admitted with a gentle sigh.

"Don't be like this! I hate it so much when you do this, when you talk like this. You know that. Yet you keep on doing it. Why?" Felix frowned before softening his gaze, only resulting in tears escaping his eyes.

"It isn't fair to blame things on others, Felix. You know you start these pointless arguments in the hope of something to happen." Hyunjin stated quite harshly, looking intensely at the other once again.

"No, I do not. You keep going off with other people doing whatever you can and come back home thinking I don't notice it." Felix retorted with a light scoff, denying the blame.

"It doesn't matter if you notice it. If you noticed, you should've just kept your mouth shut and ignored it." Hyunjin continued, making an indecent argument.

"How am I supposed to ignore my own husband fucking around with others while i'm here craving something like that, if not that, then at least some sort of loving contact!" Felix admitted as if it was common sense, surely you wouldn't leave your significant other to mess around with others, especially behind your back.

"Now you're talking about wanting sex? Is that why you're with me then? Don't complain about something you want. It's stupid." Hyunjin mumbled with a laugh, rolling his eyes and raising his eyebrows lightly.

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