HBD 09

153 7 0

Felix hummed inaudibly, looking down at his lit-up phone showcasing midnight. He's practically been waiting for this moment forever, but dreading it nevertheless;

Picking at his fingers as he's sitting on the chair, one leg up to his chest and the other hanging off.

Felix looked at Hyunjin, who did seem slightly oblivious, scrolling through his phone with a small laugh emitting every once in a while.

"Hey." Felix uttered quickly, standing up, "I'm off now." He declared, eliciting a stretch in Hyunjin, who nodded.

"Yeah, okay, that's fine." Hyunjin hummed, turning his phone off.

"Lock your door." Felix added, getting a chuckle from Hyunjin, who also stood up, walking right after him, "Aight. See you." Felix smiled lightly, getting a wave from Hyunjin.

And with that... Felix was probably more nervous than expected, waiting to make sure Hyunjin had backed away from the door.

To be fair, he has been over for quite a long time;

It started off with good conversations like usual, but everything died down more when they went on their phones...

So there was solely no point in Felix staying any longer if they weren't going to be up to something.

Okay, truthfully. It's the older's birthday.

Yes, quite mean for Felix to just leave and not wish Hyunjin a happy birthday, but maybe what he's planned may go off as much better than anticipated..?

I mean- Felix confessing to Hyunjin on his birthday surely won't go as wrong, right?

That's a... rather nice birthday gift.


faelix is texting...


Crap, Felix had already convinced himself that this is a good idea... just go for it, right..?


faelix: hbd

faelix: i don't really have anything except to say that i have feelings for you

faelix: it's a shit present and i wish i could've done more, sorry. for the most part, wanted to let it out.


Now, that's highly unexpected.

Hyunjin wants to rush outside to see if Felix is already gone...

I mean, why not do so?


faelix: i know you're checking outside, don't bother i'm over three minutes gone.

faelix: so stop putting your shoes on, don't try.


Okay. But how was Felix supposed to know that? Sure, they've known one another for years.

But isn't it funny, Hyunjin is currently sitting on the ground with one shoe on, tying his laces, and the other yet to be worn, looking blankly at his phone.


faelix: so

faelix: hbd i probably won't be coming over today, sorry if you've been looking forward to something.

faelix: i just really didn't want to make things awkward and retorted to this, not what you expected, i know.


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