Chapter 4.29 - Waking Up

Start from the beginning

"Your surgery was successful," TINA added. Emmett might've been imagining it, but it sounded like there was a hint of pride in her voice.

"Why don't you get changed—I believe you had some text messages from your folks while you were out. It's Monday, by the way."


Emmett dried off and pulled on a set of sweats, then walked to section 001.

He meant to call his folks and check in—especially on Antony. Emmett hadn't heard from any of them since Antony's kidnapping at the hands of the Hellcat Mercenaries—Angel Eye, Windvane, and Lau Keishos—and the masks, Shifter and Oakenheart.

Emmett thought the villains and masks had escaped in the aftermath of the Deep Ones' attack, but Venture and TINA had used drones to apprehend them. Then all five of them had been delivered to the Summit of Heroes. Dr. Venture assured Emmett that they would be in custody for a long time.

That was good enough for Emmett. He was more worried about his younger brother and how he would hold up in the wake of it.

Emmett had signed up for this. Antony hadn't.

That was the whole point—why the rules of engagement were the way they were. Supers were supposed to keep civilian fallout to a minimum...

Emmett stuffed his hands into the pockets of his hoodie as he walked out of the biolab and into the bunker tunnels between sections. Red safety lights illuminated the way. Not that Emmett needed them. The lights hummed steadily, and Emmett's steps echoed through the hall. Even his breath sounded loud.

Normally it was a short walk from section to section, but today it felt like time stretched and dilated.

Maybe it was his new brain that was making time pass so slowly.

Maybe it was guilt.

Probably both.


By the time Emmett made it back to section 001, he would've sworn half an hour had passed.

It had only been a few minutes.

Emmett walked to the kitchen sink and splashed water on his face. The water felt ice cold—almost painful. He gasped and steadied himself on the counter. Then he splashed his face again.

He wasn't sure if it helped.

Finally, he dried his face off, went to the couch and laid down. For a fleeting moment, he had peace.

Then he felt the fibers of the couch. He ran his fingers across the grain, each ridge of the fiber felt as deep as a chasm and impossibly defined, like he could feel the twists and spirals of each individual strand.

Emmett yanked his hand away from the couch. Then he pulled out his phone to text his mom.

Emmett 1:43 PM: Hey, how are things at the shelter?

For the next few minutes, Emmett watched the tiny text bubbles come and go. They showed when his mom was typing, but she must have been backspacing and rewording it a lot.

Mom 1:47 PM: We're doing alright. Antony had a run in with some supervillains. He's alright now but had a good scare.

Emmett 1:48 PM: Is Antony alright?

Mom 1:52 PM: He's pretty shook up. He's taking some time off from volunteering and working.

Emmett 1:54 PM: I can call in a few.

Mom 1:55 PM: I don't think he wants to talk right now.

Emmett 1:58 PM: I'll try to come by tonight. I can take some time off.

Mom 1:59 PM: Okay. That would be nice. We miss you.

Emmett 2:04 PM: Sorry I haven't been at the shelter much.

Mom 2:06 PM: Don't be sorry. You're helping the Summit and they're helping people. The city needs that.

Emmett rolled over on the couch and stared at his phone, not sure what else to say.

Mom was right. Emmett was helping people. That was why he wanted to be a mask after his accident. That was why he wanted to get stronger.

But at that moment, Emmett wasn't sure it had been a good trade.

Emmett stared at his mom's text messages until he was sure that no more bubbles were coming. Then he drifted off to sleep.

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