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Today is the day my Dad will be release from the hospital. We're packing their things while the nurses are transfering him in the wheel chair.

"Are you going home with us Haze?" Semi asked. He's helping me with this. Mom is with the nurses.

"Yes. I'll spend the weekend in our house."

"Ahh. How about your boyfriend?"- Semi.

"They have a training camp for three days and two nights so he can't go with me."

He sighed heavily. "I see."

I stopped what I'm doing and looked at him. "Is there a problem, Semi?"

"I thought I can handle the company of our Dad. But I never expected it to be so hard."- Semi.

"Huh? Why, is there a problem in the company?"

He looked at our parents. "Dad can't comeback in the office for a while. The doctor said not to stress and let him work for his fast recovery. I'm doing my best to maintain the good relationship with his business partners after they found out that Dad is in the hospital for two weeks now."

"Well, Dad is getting better. He'll be back at the company soon and I'm sure he will help you even if he's in the wheel chair hehe."

"You're right."

"Uh if you need help, I'm here."

He smiled and patted my head. "Just focus on your study, I will handle this matter so we can provide all you need and wants."

"Hmm, you know, I'm thinking of finding a part time job since I have a lot of free time after school." I said.

"What?! Why do you want to work? Do you need money, Haze?"

We turned around and saw our parents behind me. Seems like they heard what I've said. They're ready to leave.

"Ahehe let's talk about that later, let's go?" I asked then they nodded.

We left the hospital and got in Dad's car, the driver helped us with everything then we drove to our house. We're talking about having a dinner with some of Dad's business partners later after Semi told him what happened.

"But Dad, you just got out of the hospital. You need to rest." I said.

"She's right Hon, let's do it some other time?"- Mom.

"I stayed at the hospital for 2 weeks. I'm okay now, I think I can even walk now."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, besides, I want to announce that Semi is my successor."- Dad.

"Dad, I still need to learn a lot from you."- Semi.

"Haha you manage to do it without my help. I'm proud of you son." Dad said and tapped his shoulder. Semi got quiet for a moment, speechless to hear that from our father.

"Yiee he's cryingggg." I teased him.

"O-of course! Thank you, Dad."- Semi.

"Hahaha Semi is flattered. Like father like son, no?"- Mom said and we laughed at that.

Having a family like this is my treasure. They didn't bring up about the reason of his accident, they don't want to talk about me, being not his daughter. The four of us are happy, that is the most important.

'But little did I know, one person will ruin our happy family.'

We arrived at our house and went inside. We're shocked to see a decoration and a banner saying, "WELCOME HOME DAD". Then Sophie appeared, holding balloons and gave it to Dad.

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