It's me again

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The last few days have been crazy. Ever since the change in the guidelines, I've been worried about the story, thinking how to do it justice, and reviewing the plot.
I'm a plotter, which might be a blessing or a curse. I've never written anything without knowing where it's going. Ash and Kaia are no exception-I've got a detailed outline for every single chapter. I know what happens, and their story plays in my head like a movie up to the final credits, and still, I made a big mistake—I started it earlier than I should have.
After talking to people who have been publishing for a while, I realized I might have the same issue with Amazon—technically, if Kaia is sixteen, the book would fall into young adult category,meaning intimate scenes can't be explicit. Nothing involving underage characters can be, and I had no clue since the age of consent is sixteen in the places where I've lived.
While I certainly could just fade to black, it's not what I want. I'm a writer of adult fiction, and I love showing intimate moments between characters.
After losing sleep for a few nights in a row, I decided to make substantial changes to the storyline. In the new version, Ash and Kaia meet again when she's 17 and he's 19, about to turn twenty. Their first time would happen when she's eighteen, and I wouldn't need to worry about readers or the platform itself having issues with her age. Logically, I need to modify what comes after as well so that the story makes sense and still has all the feelings falling in love for the first time gives us.
It sucks, mostly because rewrites are complicated and time-consuming, and with two small kids and a job, time is the last thing I have. Writing is my passion project, and 90% of the time I do it at night when everyone's asleep. Each chapter takes between 3-5hours to write, so you can imagine the time needed to write a 100k something book.
With that said, I need to step back and fix the story. Law Maker is my publishing debut, and the first book in a series, so I need to make sure it's the best it can be.
I'm immensely grateful to you for loving them (and me) and hope you love the new version of their story. For now, I'm going to unpublish the existing chapters because they won't be relevant anymore. If you have a scene/ scenes you loved, please tell me here so I can include those in the new version. I already know some new ones—and let's just say (spoiler alert!!!) that Ash 2.0 is even swoonier. (I'm obviously biased, but just wait until you read about that bit when he's a bit older—I would've fallen for him like Kaia).
So, back into the writing cave I go. I'll post updates regarding their story here and on my message board. For now, if you want something of mine to read, there's Riveted- a rockstar, accidental pregnancy, single mom romance updated weekly.
Thank you for being the best readers ever, guys. I'm lucky to have you❤️


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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