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I can't believe he's been hanging out with Alyssa Vaughn. Stupid Beck, why couldn't he have hung out with me.
Am I not good enough for him?
Not enough that he'd have to hang out with Alyssa Vaughn. She's stupid hot! And stupid rich! Her dad's a fucking billionaire!

He thought I'd be cool with him being friends with Alyssa Vaughn. Fuck no!

He's walking ahead of me and avoiding the conversation I'm trying to have with him.

Why is he so dense!

"Hey, we're not done talking about this."

I tell him. He's still walking ahead and trying not to make a scene. I'll show him a scene.

"I am."

He's being such a dick! Why can't he just listen!

"Well, I'm not."

Im trying to talk to him but he won't fucking listen.

"Listen, Alyssa Vaughn is just a friend."

Of course she is. Beck's talking out of his ass.

"Bullshit. No friend texts you six times a day."

I hear a ping from his phone.


I'm losing my shit now. He's been talking to her for weeks. 'She's in my yoga class.' I'm not buying that.

We keep going back and forth. He won't just reassure me. He's just changing the subject.

He brings over Tori.

Tori. The girl who kissed my boyfriend the first chance she got. And he let her. This is why I don't trust him. She apologised after saying she just wanted to get back at me, but I'm not buying her fake nice girl act.
She's just a people pleasing bitch who steals girls boyfriends.

She looks nervous. Well, she should be. And walks over here.

She has a striped red top on and some jeans and boots. Ugh, so basic.

"Tori, if you were my girlfriend."

Of course, Beck has to compare her to me. They might as well make out right in front of me.

"Would you freak out on me if i was just friends with Alyssa Vaughn?"

Stupid question. Ugh

"Honestly, I wouldn't love it."

Finally, something smart to come out of her mouth. I keep telling her to get out of here, Beck kept telling her to come back. A whole back and forth.

Im done. If he's not going to listen to me then im fucking done.

Tori's looking as if she wants to die.

So I end the conversation

"You know what."

I say knowing that i mean it

"What, what do i know."

Beck retorts

"No, don't tell him what!"

Toris is trying to fix everything. Well, here's something she can't fix.

"We're done."

I storm off. Im pissed.

I can't fucking take his shit anymore.
And he's telling me I'm ridiculous! Fuck him!

It's barely second period, but I am not dealing with annoying nerds and everybody else. Im leaving.

I'm on my way home. My shitty empty home. With a dad who's too focused on his job and a mom who only thinks about her image. What a lovely place to call home.

Im gripping the steering wheel, and i ended up driving for hours. When i got to a random park in the middle of who knows where. Becks ignoring me.
Every guy on the slap is in my dm's, hoping to be my rebound.

I couldn't stop thinking about how Beck brought his new plaything to school at lunch just to mess with me.

I hate him. And her.

I can't go home. I can't go to anyone else who knows me. I don't want them to think I'm lame.


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