Part 9

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*Knock knock knock*

Simon lays on his bed, staring up at the ceiling.

*Knock knock knock*

Simon still lays on his bed, staring up at the ceiling.


He flinched, getting up and opening the door. He saw Roller Brawl there.

Roller Brawl: Hey... ummm... is everything alright?

Simon: yeah. I'm just stopping by to take a mental break.

He says, putting on a fake smile.

Roller Brawl: You... don't look alright...

Simon: I'm good, really.

Roller Brawl sighs.

Roller Brawl: This adventure feels... different... normally you pull through effortlessly with a smile on your face! But this one...

Simon: yeah. I... I know... it's just some bad memories is all. Sorry if I'm a little off my game.

He admitted.

Roller Brawl:... Portal Master... S-Simon... please, just tell me...

Simon:... ok, fine.

He pulls her inside, closing his door.

Simon:... ok... things haven't been... perfect... I met my step sisters, and an old bully of mine...

Roller Brawl: oh. Yeah, that doesn't sound fun.

Simon: yeah...

Roller Brawl: Well... they can try whatever they want. But you, along with all of us, won't let them succeed at whatever they're gonna try and do!

Simon sighs, sitting on his bed.

Simon: ... heh... You're right...

He let a smile spread across his face.

Simon: I won't let any of them get me down! We're the greatest heroes in all of Skylands and some silly argument won't get me down!

He pulls out his staff.

Simon: Care to come with?

Roller Brawl: I'd be happy to!

She says, clearly happy at the Portal Masters change in attitude. Simon taps his staff on the ground, appearing on Flynn's ship.

Spyro: Hey portal Master!

The dragon flew down, landing on the edge of the ship.

Spyro: Glad to see you're back, oh, and Hey RB!

Roller Brawl: Yo!

Simon: Anything happen while I was gone?

Spyro: Nah. We've just been hanging out.

Simon: No news is good news I guess.

Simon shrugged.

Simon: well, the sun's going to go down soon. Want me to teleport you and the others back to Skylands?

Spyro: sure! I'll go get them!

He fly's down into the ship.

Roller Brawl: Already?

Simon: I'll bring you back tomorrow with the others. Don't worry!

Roller Brawl: could I... stay...?

Simon: hm? If you want.

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