Part 1

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We see a now older Simon sleeping in a bed. His peaceful rest is interrupted by his door swinging open.

Stealth Elf: Portal Master! Eon needs to see you urgently!

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Stealth Elf: Portal Master! Eon needs to see you urgently!

Simon lays there, turning over to face away from the door. Stealth Elf let out a sigh through her mask. She walks over to the bed, jumping onto it.

Stealth Elf: Simon! Get up!

Simon: Nooooooooo...

He pulls the covers over his head. Stealth Elf rolls her eye.

Stealth Elf: ... oh no! Guess I'll give your breakfast to Eruptor then...

Simon: ... ok, fine...

Elf jumps down, Simon slowly getting up.

Simon: Please leave. I need to get dressed.

Stealth Elf: Alright. But really though, you should hurry. Eon seemed pretty panicked.

She closes his door. Simon got dressed, got his things, brushed his hair and hurried outside of his room. He walks across the red carpet of the academy until he reaches the place he was looking for; The meeting room.

 He walks across the red carpet of the academy until he reaches the place he was looking for; The meeting room

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Eon: There you are Portal Master! Come quickly! We have some serious issues to discuss!

The holographic ghosts of an elder portal master says.

Simon: Let me guess. Kaos?

Eon: Well, yeah, obviously. But there's more!

Simon sat at the table. Elf was already there, but so were a few more Skylanders.

 Elf was already there, but so were a few more Skylanders

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The Portal Master's final goalOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant