Chapter 17: History Repeating

Start from the beginning

She shot into a room through the door

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She shot into a room through the door.

She kept walking.

Ghostface: I got you here, didn't I?

Sidney: You might actually be the most derivative one of all. I mean, Christ, the same house?

Ghostface: Maybe so. But you forgot the first rule of surviving a stab movie. Never answer the...

Sidney: I'm bored.

Sidney: I'm bored

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Ghostface: Wait!

She hung up then fired into the closet. She heard a yelp and opened the door.

It was Richie.

He held his bullet wound but put his hands up upon seeing Sidney with the gun.

Richie: What the fuck!?

Sidney: Put your hands up! Show me your hands! What are you doing in there?

Richie: Hiding from murderers!

Sidney: I told you to come out!

Richie: I'm not gonna come out! You're shooting everything

Just then, Ghostface came out of another room and grabbed Sidney.

The two of them struggle before going over the balustrade. They hit the ground below.

Sidney groaned.

After a moment or so, Sidney calls for Richie to come down and get the gun. Just then, Sam ran in and took it.

Richie: Yes! Yes!

Sidney: Shoot him!

Richie: Thank god you're okay!

As Sam aimed the gun at Ghostface on the floor, she was suddenly stabbed by Richie.

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