Chapter 4: Practice

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(Five Weeks Later)


So today is the first day of football practice for the season.

I'm in the locker room waiting for the team.

Just then, I see Axel come in.

Axel: What's up, buddy?

Y/N: What are you doing here?

Axel: You think I'd really miss the first practice of the new season with my best friend? Not a chance.

Y/N: You do know I'm not playing right?

Axel scoffs.

Axel: Course I do.

Y/N: Just had to wonder, bro.

I look at the team and blow the whistle.

Y/N: Alright team. Let's go.

The team hurries out to the field.

I then see coach Harlen come out of his office.

Coach Harlen: Y/N, a word please.

Axel laughs.

Axel: You're in trouble.

Y/N: Shut up, man.

I go into Coach Harlem's office.

Coach Harlen: Close the door.

I do as he says.

Y/N: Is everything okay, sir? Am I being fired? Please if you just give me a chance I promise..

He starts laughing.

Y/N: You're laughing. Why are you laughing?

Coach Harlen: Y/N, you're not being fired. Please take a seat.

I sit down in front of him.

Coach Harlen: You know when you came back to Woodsboro after your injury, I was ecstatic. I've watched you since ninth grade. The fire you carried, Y/N. Only one in a few have a fire like that.

Y/N: Well football was important to me. An outlet for... personal reasons.

Coach Harlen: But I was also saddened. Saddened because the dream you had was right at your finger tips and you lost it. And it happens, things like that happen, Y/N. You could've given up, could've broke down and hid away from the world.

He stands up.

Coach Harlen: But you didn't do that.

He walks and sits on top of his desk slightly.

Coach Harlen: Now you're here. My assistant coach. A great coach.

Y/N: I'm trying my best, coach.

Coach Harlen: And what a great job you've done.

He claps and stands up.

Coach Harlen: Now for the reason I called you in here. Been speaking to a few friends and there's quite a bit of coaching jobs open next year.

Y/N: Huh?

Coach Harlen: I've recommended you as a coach.

Y/N: What? Seriously?

Coach Harlen: Yep. Next season you could be at the front and center of college football and who knows maybe one day, the nfl.

Y/N: Coach, I—I don't know what to say.

Coach Harlen: Just say yes.

Y/N: Yes? To what?

Coach Harlen: Taking over as coach for this season.

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