Chapter 3: A Morning Jog

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(Two Days Later)


So it's been two days since I found the binder Sam and I made.

It's honestly been stuck in my mind.

Which is exactly harder today cause it's my day off from the shop.

Right now I'm doing a morning jog. I've ran like five miles so far.

After another moment of running, I finally stop to catch my breath.

Y/N: Phew man.

???: Y/N?

I look over and see Judy with her son, Wes.

Y/N: Hey sheriff. Wes.

Wes: Hey.

Judy: What are you doing out so early?

Y/N: Oh uh you know, just doing a run.

Wes: Mom, I gotta go. I'm meeting some friends at the mall.

Judy: Alright. And don't forget, we're having family dinner tonight.

Wes: Alright. Bye.

Wes starts to walk away.

Judy: Love you.

He turns.

Wes: Love you too. Bye Y/N.

I wave.

I look back at Judy.

Judy: Teenagers, am I right?

Y/N: Yeah, I'd say so.

Judy: So, are you still on your run or could I walk with you? I'm heading that way.

Y/N: Oh uh, yeah. Sure.

The two of us start to walk.

Judy: So how's the knee? I never really asked you about it after what happened in Los Angeles.

Y/N: Oh uh, it's okay. Still have trouble sometimes standing on it. But it lets me do a five mile run, so I guess it's a win.

Judy: Well that's great, Y/N. You know, I remember back when you were in high school and you were on the football team. This town had high hopes for you. They thought you were gonna be the next big thing.

I chuckle.

Y/N: My dad told me the exact same thing.

Judy: Smart man.

Y/N: Yeah. Unfortunately I guess life had other plans for me.

Judy: You know just because you can't play football anymore, Y/N doesn't mean that this town doesn't look up to you.

Y/N: Only when they need their car fixed.

Judy: I'm serious, Y/N.

We make it to her car.

Judy: Woodsboro would be lost without you. You know why?

I shrug.

Judy: They see you as their star.

Y/N: What makes you so sure?

She points behind me.

I turn and see the billboard of me with my football team from when we won the championship game.

Judy: If they didn't see you like that, the billboard wouldn't be up to this day.

I look back at her.

Y/N: Thanks, Judy. Means a lot.

Judy: Well I'm the sheriff. It's my job to help. And do me a favor, please be careful running in the street. Don't wanna have to give you a citation.

I laugh.

Y/N: Will do, sheriff.

She nods then gets into her car.

I close the car door then she drives away.

After she turns the corner, I look back up at the billboard.

Y/N: That's back when I could actually take a tackle.

After a minute or so, I continue with my jog.

(Two Hours Later)

I've just made it back home and I head inside.

I go into the kitchen and grab a water from the fridge.

I take a sip and then hearing laughing coming from outside.

I look through the back window and see Tara with her friends, Wes, Chad, Mindy, Liv and Amber.

Been a while since I've seen them all hanging out together.

I walk over and go out the back door.

I immediately see Liv puff on a cigarette.

Y/N: Didn't your parents ever tell you those things will kill ya?

The six of them jump.

I clearly scared them.

Liv: Jesus man. You scared the shit out of me.

Amber: Me too. What are you doing spying on us?

Y/N: Nice to see you too, Amber. How's your mom?

She flips me off.

I walk over to them.

Y/N: Let me puff on that.

Liv: Seriously? Shouldn't you be busting us right now?

Y/N: Do you want me too or do you wanna give me a drag?

She hands me the cigarette.

I motion for Chad to slide over and he does so.

I sit down and puff on the cigarette.

Liv: So is it true that you were with Tara's sister Sam?

I immediately cough.

Tara: Liv!

Liv: What? I'm just asking.

I cover my mouth as I cough.

I hand her the cigarette back as I clear my throat.

Y/N: Yeah. Yeah, it's true.

Wes: What happened?

Tara: Y/N, I'm sorry. It just came out and they wouldn't stop bugging me about it.

Y/N: It's fine Tara. So what exactly are you guys doing out here? Thought you were going to the mall?

Mindy: Well, we were. But somebody decided that we didn't need a tank full of gas.

Chad: I said I was sorry. Are you seriously not gonna let me live that down?

Mindy: No, no I am not.

Y/N: You guys could I don't know walk. It's nice day out.

Chad: Too hot out.

Y/N: I just did a ten mile run, with a busted up knee and still managed to make it home before the one o'clock news.

Chad: Seriously? Ten miles. Please don't tell me that's what you're gonna have coach make us do at the start of the semester.

I laugh and stand up.

Y/N: You kids have fun but not too much fun.

I start to head back to my house.

Just then, Amber repeats the question Wes asked.

Amber: So what happened between you and Sam?

I turn around and look at her.

Amber: You two were Woodsboro's hottest couple and then one day, boom not a beep. What happened?

Y/N: Life happened.

After this I head back inside.

I honestly can't wait for the new semester to start. I may not be able to play football anymore but at least I can help coach it.

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