Chapter 5: A Shocking Revelation

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(Three Weeks Later)


So last week was the first day of the new year.

But today is the first game of the new season.

I'm in the locker room with the team. I'm gonna give them a pep talk for tonight's game.

Y/N: Okay, Vipers listen up.

(A/N: Vipers is the name I gave for the football.)

Y/N: Today is the first day of the new season, and I know that you're all eager to get out there and play.

I start to walk around them.

Y/N: You been putting in the work, each and everyday. Day in and day out. You've trained hard, you've sweat together, you've pushed each other to the limit, and now it's time for all of you to show the world what you're made of.

All: Yeah!!

Y/N: Tonight, when you step out onto that field, with everyone watching, you're not just playing for yourselves. You're playing for your teammates, your fans, and everyone who believes in you. You're playing for the legacy of this team, for all the players who came before you and paved the way.

Chad: We're playing for you, Y/N!

All: Yeah! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!

I chuckle.

Y/N: Thank you. Thank you. But today, it's not about me. It's about you. I want you to go out there and leave everything you've got out there on that field tonight. Play with heart, play with passion, and most importantly, play as a team. No one can beat you when you work together, when you fight for each other, when you leave it all out on the field.

I stand next to Chad.

Y/N: Now look, I know you'd expect this pep talk or whatever on the last game of the season but I'm an impatient man. Today you're playing on National TV. So go out there tonight and show everyone what it means to be a Viper. Let's show them that you're not just a team, you're a force to be reckoned with. Let's show them that when the Vipers strike, they strike hard and they strike fast.

The team look between each other.

Y/N: Now let's go out there and win this game!

I put my hand in the middle.

Y/N: Vipers on three!

The team put their hands in the middle.

Y/N: One, two, three!

All & Y/N: Vipers!!!

The team cheers and start to head out onto the field.

Coach Harlen: Great pep talk.

Y/N: Thanks Coach.

(Thirty Minutes Later)

So the game is into half time and the team is losing twenty-eight to fourteen.

We're now sitting in the locker room.

Chad: I'm sorry, guys. This is my fault. We're losing. Maybe I'm just not good enough to be quarterback.

I can see the team is beating themselves up.

Y/N: Now hold on just a second.

They look at me.

Y/N: What am I seeing? The game ain't over yet.

Chad: We're down by two touchdowns.

Y/N: Everyone stand up.

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