Chapter 12: The Killings Expert

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(The Next Day)


So, the three of us have drove to the trailer park.

Richie and Sam were in their car while I drove behind them.

I get out of my car and go up to them.

Richie: So, how do you know this guy?

Y/N: He's a friend of my dad's. The two of them go way back.

Richie: Oh.

Y/N: He's also been apart of the killings. He's been stabbed like a dozen times.

We go up to the door and I knock on it.

Dewey: Go away!

Sam: Sorry to bother you, Mr. Riley. We just wanna ask you a few questions.

Dewey: I don't give interviews.

Just then, Dewey appears and looks through the window.

Dewey: Y/N? What are you doing here?

He shakes his head.

Dewey: Doesn't matter. Give me one good reason why I should talk to you.

I point to Sam.

Y/N: She's the daughter of Billy Loomis.

Sam: Y/N.

Y/N: Shh. I got this.

He opens the door.

Dewey: That's a terrible reason, Y/N.

Y/N: Dewey, come on. I know you know who I am. It's been all over the news.

He sighs.

Sam: My name is Samantha Carpenter. I was attacked last night at the hospital. Before that, my sister and Y/N were attacked. My sister was stabbed. I know you know what that's like.

He sighs again.

Sam: I'm just trying to protect my family. Five minutes, that's all I'm asking.

Dewey; I'll give you two minutes. I'm missing a show I like.

He lets us in then the three of us sit with him.

Dewey looks at Richie.

Dewey: Who's he?

Sam: This is my boyfriend, Richie.

I sigh.

Sam looks to me.

Dewey: How long have you known him?

Sam looks back to Dewey.

Sam: Six months.

Dewey: Did he know who your dad was when you met? Express any interest in Woodsboro or the Ghostface killings?

Richie: What the hell are you talking about?

Dewey: Your killer's obsessed with the stab movies, right?

Y/N: Uh, yeah.

He leans back.

Dewey: Well, there are certain rules to surviving a stab movie. Believe me, I know. Rule number one: Never trust the love interest.

Richie scoffs.

Dewey: They seek sweet, caring, support. Then welcome to act three, where they try to rip your head off.

Richie: I was with Sam in Modesto when Tara was attacked.

Dewey: And let me guess, you were just in the other room, conveniently unaccounted for when she was attacked at the hospital.

Y/N: He's got a point.

Sam glares at me.

Y/N: Just sayin.

Richie: Okay, do I have to take this from shitty Sam Elliot here, or what?

Dewey: Rule number two: the killer's motive is always connected to something in the past.

Sam: I'm related to Billy.

Y/N: And I'm related to Roman.

Richie: Right, but then why kill that random Vince guy?

Dewey: That's for you to figure out. And rule number three, and this is the most important rule: The first victim always has a friend group that the killer is apart of. Does your sister have a close-knit group of friends?

Y/N: Uh, yeah. Yeah, she does.

Dewey: Then look for the killer there. If you can find out why they're doing this, you can figure out who's next.

Sam: So, help us. Help us figure out who's behind this.

Dewey: You gotta be kidding me? Okay, I've been stabbed nine times. I've got permanent nerve damage and a fun limp. You think I wanna do that again?

Sam: You just said it always goes back to the past, right? So, if we're in danger, that means you're in danger. Come on. Let's do this together.

Dewey: Your time's up.

After that he kicks us out of his trailer.

I head over to my car.

Sam: Y/N.

I look at Sam.

She comes over to me.

Y/N: Yeah?

Sam: Thank you for coming with us.

Y/N: No problem.

Sam: It really... it really did mean a lot.

Y/N: Yeah.

Sam: So, what do we do now?

Y/N: You're asking me?

Sam: Well, yeah. You always knew what to do in high school.

I chuckle.

Y/N: Okay. Then we listen to Dewey. He said it always goes back to the friends, right?

Sam: Yeah.

Y/N: So, then we get them together. We find out which one of them is doing this.

Sam: Really think we can do this?

Y/N: With you and I on the same team, we can do anything.

She smiles.

Sam: You're right. You're always right.

Y/N: You better go. Don't wanna keep Netflix, waiting.

Sam: Right. Yeah. I guess I'll see you soon.

I nod.

I watch Sam walk to Richie.

Then I get in my car and sit for a moment.

I tried to bury my feelings for Sam, but of course I couldn't do it.

I still love that girl.

But she's just got a boyfriend.

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