Chapter 11: Past Hurts

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So I had to go to the police station to be questioned.

This guy Vince was killed by Ghostface and I obviously had to answer some questions.

I wasn't alone though as Wes and the others were also there.

Though while at the police station, we found out that Sam was attacked at the hospital.

Amber and I went there as she asked me for a ride. Sheriff Hicks came as well.

We're all in Tara's room.

Judy: I've got a body outside a bar on Main and then you get attacked here. And you said the call came from Amber's number?

Amber: So? We know he cloned my phone before when he attacked Tara and Y/N. He also cloned Y/N's mom's number.

Y/N: She's right.

Richie: Or, and I'm just spit-balling here... you're the killer.

He looks to me.

Richie: Or you're mother.

Y/N: My mother isn't the killer. She isn't even in town.

Judy: And where were you when all this happened?

Richie: I was... watching Netflix.

Amber: Oh, yeah. Super solid alibi, bro.

Richie: So, where were you?

Judy: I was questioning both her and Y/N down at the sheriff's office. Along with Amber's friends.

Y/N: Yeah, and we came as soon as we heard.

Amber: But you, the Netflix alibi is good too.

Judy: Both of you, stop it.

Sam looks at Judy.

Sam: You're gonna put more cops on her room, right?

Judy: Yes. And I can have you moved to a private floor. Deputy Vinson knows what he's doing. You'll be safe.

Sam: Like we've been so far?

Judy: Samantha, let's talk outside.

Sam leaves with Judy.

I look at Tara.

Y/N: You okay?

Tara: Yeah, you?

I sigh.

Y/N: As okay as I can be.

A moment later, Sam comes back in.

Sam: Well, she remains a delight.

I look at her.

Tara: Are you okay?

Sam: Uh, would you guys mind giving us a second? I need to talk to Tara.

I nod.

Y/N: Of course. Come on, Netflix. Let's go outside.

Richie, Amber and I head outside.

I go down to the break room, which is currently empty.

I go over and look at my reflection in the mirror.

As I stare, I take my pills out.

I take a few deep breaths, then I open the pill bottle and take a few out.

I use the water to help me swallow the pills.

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