XXII - hangover

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Kat opened her eyes and the room felt like it was spinning, a dull pounding in her head reminding her of all the colourful drinks she'd polished off the night before. She sat up and tried to work out if she was hungover or still drunk as she cradled her temple regretting all the tequila shots.

Billy lay behind her with his arms sprawled out and soft snores escaping his nose, she turned round and found herself admiring how effortlessly beautiful he looked. He looked like something out of a Michelangelo painting with the way his muscles stuck out from the white sheets, his soft curls cascading onto the pillow behind him.

She couldn't remember much of how they ended back at her house but from the way their clothes were scattered all around her carpet floor, it was evident they had made their way up here in quite a haste.

She went to her bathroom and grabbed herself a glass of water as she observed her ruined make up in the mirror. Her mascara was smudged down her cheeks and she had glitter just about everywhere you could think of. She quickly cleaned what she could and made her way back out and over to the bed, crawling under the covers and resting her head on Billy's chest. He stirred slightly from her touch and one arm fell down to cradle her back and pull her in tighter.

She had almost managed to drift off back to slumber when there was a pounding on her door instead of just the one in her head causing her to groan in annoyance.

"Sleeping!" She shouted back.

"Open the door, Kat!" Dustin shouted.

Billy's eyes fluttered open at the noise, his face scrunching up indicating that he too, was suffering from the hangover.

Kat threw the covers off her body and stomped her way round to the door, shoving a shirt on from the floor for the sake of decency before angrily pulling the knob.

"What do you want?" Kat asked.

She figured he would leave her alone today considering she had done him a favour last night by taking him to his beloved hellfire meeting. Dustin's mouth opened to speak but his eyes fell on a tired looking Billy who had swung his legs out and was resting his elbows on his knees as his head fell between his hands, groaning at the pain from his temple.

"We need to talk" Dustin whispered harshly.

"So talk" Kat quipped growing impatient with her brother.

He silently gestured to Billy being there indicating he wanted to talk in peace and she rolled her eyes, wanting to get the conversation over with already so she could get back to bed. Billy noticed the boys' hesitancy and picked up his jacket, grabbing the carton of cigarettes and his lighter.

"I'm going for a smoke" He stated before exiting past the boy and heading downstairs.

Dustin noted how easily it was for Billy to saunter around as if he owned the place and couldn't understand why his sister had a likening to him at all.

"Well?" Kat prodded.

"I can't believe you dropped Eddie for that asshole" Dustin replied.

She was taken aback by his distain for Billy and his use of profanity towards him, they'd barely exchanged any conversation for Dustin to have a gauge on his personality so she could only assume Eddie was the one to speak ill of him.

"Look I don't know what Eddie said but-"

"You broke his heart, Kat" Dustin stated with a disappointed glare "How could you?"

She let out a sigh as she focused her eyes on the hem of her shirt not wanting to see how angry he was with her, she wasn't in the headspace to deal with this right now and she already felt bad.

Suburban Blues // Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now