XIV - war

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Kat sucked in a deep breath as she opened the rusted doors of the music venue Dustin had given her directions to. It wasn't massive by any means, in fact it was more the size of a basement if anything but it had a stage nonetheless. It smelled of smoke, cheap liquor and sweat mixed into one but she had smelt far worse by music venue means; especially in New York.

The venue was mostly empty at this point, a few older guys lingering by the bar and playing some pool. She spotted Eddie and his bandmates sorting out their equipment by the stage, she was impressed that they even had their logo branded on the drum kit, even if it was by duct tape.

He hadn't noticed her yet so she still had time to walk back out the doors without him knowing she was even here. Eddie laughed at something Gareth said and threw his head up, eyes catching with hers. Too late to leave now.

"Give me five" He mumbled to the others as he clambered down from the stage.

He sauntered over to her, trying his best to conceal the smirk on his face at her arrival. Though he had offered the invitation, he hadn't expected her to actually come so seeing her standing there all dressed up set his heart racing in more ways than one but he did his best to keep his cool.

"You just missed us" He informed.

"I'm crushed" She smirked.

He pouted his lips out trying to not smirk back as he looked over at his friends who were all whispering between themselves at the mystery girl.

"So what can I help you with?" He asked leaning his arm against the wall behind her.

"There's a party at Carol's" She stated "Wanna join?"

His nose scrunched up at the mention of 'party' , despite their popularity amongst his peers he never really found himself eager to go to one. Perhaps that was because it was filled with people who did nothing but bully and mock him over the years as well as sticking out like a sore thumb with his unkempt appearance.

"Parties aren't really my thing" He replied.

"I'm sure I could change that" She smiled.

She couldn't turn up to this party alone so she knew she would have to convince him in one way or another even if that involved some light flirting. Surely he'd jump at the chance, she thought..

"I don't think i'm entirely...welcome" He said.

He was nervous, here he was with a gorgeous girl in front of him basically asking him out and he was declining through fear of perception. He was better than this and he knew it, he didn't care what people at school thought of him but he wanted to impress Kat and being at a party with his biggest enemies wasn't going to help his case.

"Nonsense" She dismissed "Who cares what they all say?"

He pondered the idea, maybe it would be the biggest middle finger he could ever throw to those he disliked.

"After all, you'd be there for me and not them" She said in a lower tone and a bite of her lip.

Eddie Munson had never once attended a high school party in his whole time of being at Hawkins High and yet one little lip movement paired with pleading eyes were enough to make him fold and change that.

"You've convinced me" He sighed with a bashful smile.

"Excellent" She replied crossing her arms.


She felt slightly guilty about essentially using him to get back at Billy but she still had intentions of having a fun time with Eddie, he was cute after all.

Suburban Blues // Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now