XVI - busy

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"Hey, sweetheart"

Kat jumped as she closed her locker door to reveal Eddie resting against the wall smiling over at her.

"Hey" She breathed, slightly taken aback by his silent appearance.

The halls were busy but most people were still hungover from the weekend and were minding their business. Eddie caught a glimpse of the mark on Kat's neck that she had desperately tried to cover up with a turtleneck but it still managed to peek through.

"Looks like I really did a number on you" He smirked, his hand brushing against her neck.

"Yeah.." She laughed while instinctively tugging the material up to hide just how big it was after Billy had a turn.

She tried not to let the guilt overcome her as Eddie traced over the spot Billy had been kissing not even one night ago. She wished she could say she stopped him before it got too far but her self control was at a point zero after he dipped his head down below. He spent the whole night in her room and very little sleep occurred, every time she thought he would finally drift off and let slumber take over, he would graze his hand over her hip and she would end up whispering his name over and over into her pillow.

"So... you wanna hang out tonight?" Eddie asked, his lip sucked in out of nervousness.

Kat felt conflicted, she had enjoyed her time with Eddie and he was a pretty good kisser but she could tell he was looking for something serious and she just wanted to have fun. At the same time she knew that this situation with Billy couldn't keep going on, not when after every encounter she would think only about him and how he felt and how he touched her.

"Sure" Kat beamed.

"Yeah?" Eddie asked, his tone coming out more surprised than he'd liked.

"Mhm, sounds fun" She nodded.

She figured it would give her something to get through the day, her monday classes were by far her most boring so a little motivation would go a long way.

The bell rang and the students in the halls begun dispersing to their classes, kat let out a sigh as she mumbled a goodbye to Eddie and made her way to her first class of the day. She passed by Billy who was leaning against some lockers with Tommy and the others without a care for being late to his first lesson. He noticed her looking and threw her a wink before going back to whatever discussion he was having with his friends.

Her morning dragged in painfully slow as she tried to not fall asleep during most lessons, she couldn't wait until she could graduate and be done with school forever and spend her time on what mattered to her. She was thankful when it hit lunchtime meaning she only had two classes left before she could leave for the day, intrigued by what Eddie had planned.

"Munson?! Really?" Steve asked.

Kat rolled her eyes as she watched Steve's face scrunch up with a disapproving look as she told him about her plans to hang out with Eddie after school.

"He's nice" Kat replied.

"He's a freak" Steve corrected.

She understood there was a much more segregated approach to groups here in Hawkins opposed to back home in New York and usually she could look past it but she knew Steve and Eddie would actually be good friends if these social standards weren't in place to prohibit them from interacting.

"Be nice" She said.

She looked over at Eddie's table where him and his friends were animatedly discussing something, his arms flailing around as he threw his head back in laughter. Her eyes traveled back to her own table where everyone was sitting in quiet and chatting mindlessly to the person beside them. At least Eddie's table looked like they were having fun, she thought.

Suburban Blues // Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now