XIII - liar

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"Cmon, you know you want to"

Kat sighed as she lay back on the bed with the receiver pressed against her ear trying her best to convince Steve of going to a party that one of their classmates was throwing.

"I can't, Nancy and I are having dinner together" He replied.

"Things are okay with you guys again?" Kat asked.

They had been having some distance between each other since their argument at the party, Kat still didn't know what they had argued about but it must have been something pretty heavy for them be taking a some time apart.

"We'll see" Steve paused "Depends how tonight goes I guess.."

She could sense Steve's worry over the phone, she knew how much he cared and loved Nancy so she deducted it must be some setback on Nancy's end but she wouldn't spill any information to her either.

"Well I hope it goes well" Kat replied genuinely.

She liked Nancy and Steve together, they were sweet and she wanted to not have to pick sides between her new friends if things were to go south.

"How's things with Hargrove?" He asked.

He didn't agree with her affiliation with Billy, sure he was friends with him but that only meant he knew exactly how he treated women and he didn't want Kat to be subjected to that.

"I haven't spoken to him" She replied "And he hasn't spoken to me"

"You know he's probably gonna be at the party" Steve commented.

Kat knew he would be, he wouldn't miss an opportunity to get buzzed and have a good time. It was partly the reason why she was even asking Steve to join her in the first place; she wanted someone there to make sure she didn't make any stupid decisions especially ones involving Billy.

"Why do you think I wanted you there, Harrington?" She laughed.

He apologised once again about not being available to join her and they exchanged goodbyes and good luck for their respective evenings.

Kat's mind trailed back to New York, at least when she was there and all her friends were busy, she had plenty of places to go and things to do. There was very little to do in Hawkins once it hit evening time, she basically counted on parties to give her somewhere to go and tide her boredom.

"Dreaming about me?"

Her body lurched forward, jumping at the shock of hearing the deep male voice inside her bedroom. There Billy was, arms crossed with one leg hanging inside her room and the other on her balcony.

"What the fuck are you doing?" She asked.

"What does it look like?" He replied, swinging the other leg in and pushing himself up.

"It looks like you're trespassing my property" She spat, crossing her own arms.

A short laugh fell from his lips as he ignored her obvious discontentment for his presence, sitting beside her on the bed.

"No need to be so dramatic, princess" He smirked.

She was baffled by his sheer ignorance of the unspoken conflict that had been going on for the whole week. He hadn't even so much as whisper a hello in their shared chemistry class and now he wanted to waltz into her room as if nothing was going on?

"What do you want?" She sighed.

"I'm over this whole...silent treatment" He replied.

"Silent treatment?" She scoffed.

Suburban Blues // Billy Hargrove Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ