Chapter 21 The Harshlands Part 3

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Hearing this makes Maryden zone out, not registering what he just said. Seeing this Lucius doesn't know how to feel after all with her reaction he can not tell what exactly she is feeling at all. 

Lucius: Would it be better if she got angry or embarrassed instead? At least then I would know how to proceed. 

Lucius: " Are you alright?"

Maryden: " Waa, oh, sorry I... I dont know." She says as she finally snaps out of it once he speaks again. 

Lucius: " It is alright, I can give you a little time to think about it."

Maryden: " Thank you... what moon phases is it today?"

Lucius: "?"

Lucius: " Almost full moon... Why?"

Maryden: Thank the gods, I won't need to use any of the pills then.

Maryden: " Oh, will let you know when I am ready..." After saying this she sighs and looks directly into his eyes with extreme seriousness. Like when a respected general is about to give a speech to his knights before a suicide mission. Seeing this Lucius can't help but look at her with the same attitude as he knows that she must have decided to tell him something very important. So how can he just brush that off? The answer, he can't. 

Maryden: " I... I have 2 very important secrets about myself that I have told myself that I need to tell you since you will need to know since we are husband and wife. But I just can't bring myself to do it... I... can you wait for me?"

Hearing this he can tell that this must be very hard for her to tell him. Not only is she acting very brave but also vulnerable a word that before he got to know her would never associate with her at all. Seeing her act like this he knows that these secrets of hers must not only be important but also a very sensitive subject to her. Something that may even destroy close relationships if it is not handled properly. He doesn't know what it is, but he knows in his heart that it doesn't matter to him even if she told him that she is an illegitimate child of the previous king. But hearing her say that she wants to tell him but that she is not ready makes him very happy. That proves that even though she isn't in love with him she still respects him as a husband enough to treat him with sincerity. 

Lucius: " It is all right, I am happy that you're thinking of me but if you aren't ready then I won't force you. It is enough to know that you are willing to admit that something like that exists to me. That way I won't have any unnecessary misunderstandings. Tell me when you are ready." He says seriously as he puts his hand on her shoulder and looks into her eyes with truth in his eyes.

Maryden: "Thank you." She says with a smile so dazzling to Lucius that he would almost think that she has hypnotized him. He clears his throat so that he can calm down from his excitement and then swallows his saliva. 

Lucius: " Uh... so about my first question?"

Maryden: " Ah, it... we can try it out." She says shyly making him want to pounce on her, but he holds it in.

Lucius: It is too soon for that, I need to calm down... calm down... calm down. He chants in his mind until he gets control over his emotions.

Lucius: " Thanks... sit down and we will begin." He says with eyes full of endearment. She nods at him and the 2 of them sit down on their sleeping bags so as not to sitt on the grass directly. Maryden puts her hands behind her and looks to the side, not daring to watch when he will undress her. She is very tense and he can see it clearly.

Lucius: " Try to relax, everything will be alright."

Maryde: " I know... I am just unused to the touch of another human that is more than a handshake and touching shoulders. "

Lucius: " I understand."

Once he said that he moved his hands to her collar and undone the buttons, one by one. Ever so gently until he can see her décolletage and corset. He can see the mark that is left after their blood oath jewels rent their hearts looking very much like a tattoo. Both of them have a matching set that is unique to both of them. Although he has seen his own this is the first time he has seen the one his wife has on her. The mark is about as big as a baby fist and it depicts a black wolf and a green phoenix circling around each other. Looking at it makes him heat up as it is a reminder that they are bound together by the goods and will never be apart until they die. He leans over and gently kisses her mark, making her shiver. Seeing her reaction he can not help but so smile and he starts liking and sucking the mark getting bolder the longer it goes on. Maryden is quivering as she closes her eyes and can only focus on the spot he is liking feeling hotter by the minuit. Lucius continues to suck as his hands are trying to remove her corset. As it was his first time and adding to that he is not looking at what he is doing it took some time to get it off. 

But once he did he was rewarded with her soft breasts that were just a little bigger than his hands. Her skin is pale and flawless except for a scar that was left after a serious stab wound that she got during the war. In fact it is surprising that this is one of the only 2 scars that she has, considering how conman it is to getting hurt during the battlefield. And she did get hurt plenty of times but only the 2 most serious wounds left her any scars. One that is on her chest and another one on her stomach. But she would need to remove more of her clothing in order to see. Seeing this only one word comes into his mind when he sees them, perfection. Even the scar that most would think is disgusting looks perfect to him. This is a type of beauty only a soldier who has fought in a war before would appreciate. To him, this scar is not only not disgusting but also a symbol of strengh. Something he admires in any human or beastmen. He starts to gently stroke her scar for a little while as he admires it. An action that makes Maryden bewildered. 

Maryden: " Why are you stroking my scar?"

Lucius: "Because I find it beautiful." He says with a devilish smile that makes her blush slightly. He then proceeds to stroke not only her scar but also her breasts and goes in for a kiss on her mouth that is wilder and more passionate than any kiss they have shared before. He sucks her tongue and nimble on her lips so much so that both of them start to pant because of the intensity. They only take a few seconds to catch their breath and then continue. He takes one of his hands and presses it behind her head to pull her closer to her. While these other hand is playing with her left chest groping and pinching it as much as he desires without hurting her. He is just about to move his hand that is playing with her breast to her legs until Marydens hazy eyes turn focused and very serious and she pushes him away. With this action, Lucius starts to panic a little thinking that he overdid it, and just as he is about to ask he answers instead.

Maryden: " I sensed some demonic beast coming our way, we have 10 minutes to get ready."

Hearing this Lucius is relieved as he did nothing wrong after all, but then he turns serious and a little upset that they got interrupted. But knowing the seriousness of the situation he can only walk out to ready the men while Maryden puts on her clothes in the meantime. Once he is ready she can see a huge pack of 20 demonic wolves coming towards them. The battle is about to begin.

The marriage peace treatyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora