Chapter 14 On the Road (Part 2)

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The 2 of them wake up the next day and after they and their peapole have eaten they go on the road again. Sitting in a carriage is something Maryden is unused to, even when she lived in the royal palace. After all, before this she had only used one 4 times before the wedding. The first time was when she moved into the cattle and the second one was when she was escorted to the battlefield. The 3 and 4 times were when she went to the cabin in order to meet Lucius for the first time. She is much more used to walking on foot or horseback riding. Lucius is much more used to it but he has never liked it. He prefers to ride on a horse as it is much more freeing and not as boring. This time though he doesn't feel as bored as now he has Maryden traveling with him. Although they have not said a word to each other he still enjoys her company. Even when it just involves him looking at her. He seems to find enjoyment in watching her evry action. Like when the beginning she looked out the window. Later she got a little restless as she sat doing nothing. 1 hour later she tries to stay awake but soon falls asleep. Both her trying to stay awake and sleeping is something he enjoys watching, and both sides are something he finds adorable.

Never in his lifetime would he think that one day a wife would simply be handed to him by the enemy of his kingdom. Nor did he expect that he would fall for her when he barely knew anything about her. When he first accepted the proposal what went through his mind was first, I can end this useless war. Second, he will never be forced to marry the princess. So imagine his surprise when he fell for her so fast even though he was against such love before. Thinks that such love is shallow and disgusting yet here he is. That being said he did think that he would get along with her since they are in the same profession and he heard rumors about her respecting her enemy by giving them respectable funerals and never attacking civilians. So she must be someone respectable and a good person. So he gained more than he bargained for but who was he to complain? She even agreed to make a blood oath with him. Although he is very happy with it he can not help feeling a little sorry. After all, if she did it when their feelings were mutual then he would not feel as guilty. Although she was the first one to agree he knows that it is not because of love but because of reassurance. Whatever it was to prevent the marriage from crumbling and restarting the war or prevent him from cheating on her he did not know. But in either case, it was like he indirectly forced her to make that decision. So he can not help feeling guilty. Now they are bonded to each other for an eternity and if she falls for someone else she can't pursue that person.

He is guilty of taking her freedom to love away but also guilty because he feels happy that she can't escape him. This makes him feel like he is a bastard who forced the woman he loves to be with him or he will destroy however she loves. This is one of the worst types of men that exist in the world and know he is very similar to them which leaves him a bitter taste in his mouth. But it is already done and can't be reversed so he won't regret it. Instead, he will work hard and make her love him, and then their oath will turn into something beautiful. Then they can have children and live like a happy family. In Dyrk there are 4 things in life that are considered the ultimate happiness in their life. The first is to have achieved their carer goal. The second is to receive a Medal of Honor. The third is to become one of the best in the craft they have chosen. The last one is to marry the one they love and build a family with them. So of course building a family is something he holds dear to his heart. Even if they can't have children on their own they can still adopt a child. Of course, they have not come that far yet, and as far as he knows neither of them is infertile. Well, he has never had intercourse with someone so he can't know if he is but he sure knows that he is not incompetent. As for her, the way she acted on their wedding night she didn't seem to have any experience at all so she won't know about it either. 

After a while, Maryden woke up just in time for them to change horses again. After that, they went on their way again. The rest of the journey is uneventful and even though they are next to each other without anything to do Lucius for some reason can't find the time to give his gift to her. He is usually very decisive and a man of action but this small action to just give her a gift makes him hesitant. He knows that she will accept it and since she likes birds she will undoubtedly like it yet he can't seem to bring it up. Just like he can't bring up any small talk with her. What should they talk about? What does she like to talk about? Will she like talking with him? These are all questions in his mind that make him hesitant to take action. what if she doesn't like it? He has no experience with women who are not his servants, family, or someone he works with. So he dont know what he should do to make her love him or at least like him more than she already does. He can only laugh at himself for his incompetence and cowardice. why is fighting a horde of monsters easier than speaking with his wife? This went on for 4 more days and now they have even left Afalter behind them and can no longer sleep in an inn. Yet they never said anything more than a few words to each other since they were in Airynhill. There are only 2 days left on their journey. 

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