Chapter 13 On the Road (Part 1)

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It takes about 1 week to arrive in the Harsh lands from Wispglane the capital of Avilen. It also takes 1 more day to arrive at the mansion that is now their home. During that journey, they need to take about 3 stops a day. The reason for this is to not only let the horses rest and eat but they also need to eat. There are even many posts where they will change the horses out and when thay arrive at such a place they will stay and change out the horses in order to travel faster. A 3-stop day, it will turn into a 2-stop day. This will go on for 5 days but when they arrive closer to the border such stations are no longer available.

That is for 2 reasons, one is that scarcely any tourists travel this close to the Harsh lands. The second reason is that the population near the harsh land border even if it is 2 to 3 days away is very small as only farming and mining villages exist here. The first stop on their journey is a town called Waterwood, it is named after the forest nearby and is always flooded during the spring and fall. They will change horses here and go back on the road. The next stop is Airynhill, which is one of the 8 major cities in Avilen. That's where thay will sleep for the night.  After that, they will take the merchant's road and take it for about 4 days. There are many stops and inns on this road as the name implies many merchants travel on this road in order to get from city to city. There are even some larger towns near this area as well. Then on the 4th day, they will rest at Afalter which is the closest major city close to the harsh lands border. After that, they will need to camp outside and stop to replenish supplies in a nearby town or village. Until finally a few days later they arrived at Redfast mansion. Named after the scarlet red stone that is used to build it.  This was painted over when it changed its owner for a third time but the name stuck. Now it is said that the mansion's color is pale yellow. 

The first day of their travels has come to an end and they are now trying to find Rose Jade Inn in Airynhill. Since they are coming with a large group they have booked the whole in for a day in advance. This means that other than Maryden, Lucius and. their servants and knights they are completely alone inside the inn. Although most of their people are in the Harsh lands right now there are still 30 peapole with them and this inn Only has 20 rooms. Maryden and Lucius walk into the inn and check-in. The innkeeper gives them their key and personally leads them to their room. The room they got is the most luxurious room in the whole inn and it is popular for those on a honeymoon. Of course, the person who personally selected this room for them is the queen herself. Once the innkeeper showed them to their room she left after she told them that they may use the bell in the room if they needed anything. Maryden walks in first and when she sees the room she is dumbstruck. This room is even worse than the room they slept in after their marriage. The room is decorated with thousands of red roses and pink peonies. Then there is the huge bed with a black quilt with a huge red heart on it with matching red heart-shaped cushions. Then on the night table, there are sex toys of different kinds. Like a whip, mouth gag, chains, dildo, and more. There is also an aphrodisiac lube and birth control pills. Then there is also a big pink sofa. 

Seeing her freezing and not walking in it sparks Lucius's curiosity and he gently moves her aside to have a look. His reaction is no better than Maryden's but instead of being dumbfounded, he is a mixture of embarrassment and excitement. He glances over to look at her face but gets a little disappointed when he sees no blush on her face. Could it be that she trusts their promise so much that she thinks that nothing will happen between them?

Maryden: " When did the queen have such hobbies?" She says with a hint of displeasure.

Lucius: " You mean that this is your sister's idea?"

Maryden: " Most probable."

Lucius: " Hey... if you like why dont we ask the staff to take all these out?"

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